Preparation Time - 20 minutes or there abouts
Cooking Time - 2 hours, 20 minutes
Serves 4 - 6
1 kg steak, diced 1 green capsicum finely chopped
2 tablespoons oil
1/2 cup seasoned flour HERB PUFFS
2 onions chopped 1 cup self-raising flour
11/2 cup beef stock 60g butter chopped
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 2 - 3 tablespoons milk
1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley
2 smalls carrots finely chopped 1 tablespoon finely chopped thyme
3 sticks celery finely chopped 1 tablespoon finely chopped chives
1/2 cup grated cheese
Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Lightly toss meat in flour and shake off excess. Heat half the oil in a heavy based pan and cook meat quickly in small batches over medium to high heat for 4 minutes or until brown. Drain on paper towel.
Heat the remaining oil in pan. Cook onions for 2 minutes or until brown. Transfer meat and onions into an 8 cup casserole dish. Mix together beef stock, Worcestershire sauce and soy sauce and pour over beef and onions. Cover casserole and bake for 13/4 hours, adding the carrot, celery and capsicum during the last 30 minutes of cooking.
HERB PUFFS - place flour in a bowl and using our fingertips, rub butter into the flour until the mixture is a fine, crumbly texture. Add milk, herbs, cheese and stir. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface. Knead for 2 minutes or until smooth. Pull dough apart into rounds.
Remove casserole from oven. Place herb rounds on top of casserole. Brush tops with extra milk and bake casserole, uncovered for 15 minutes or until the herb rounds are puffed and golden.