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Frequently Asked Questions on 5-Hydroxytryptophan

Q:What is 5-HTP?

A:5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is an amino acid that is the intermediate step between tryptophan and the important brain chemical serotonin. There is a massive amount of evidence that suggests that low serotonin levels are a common consequence of modern living. The lifestyle and dietary practices of many people living in this stress-filled era results in lowered levels of serotonin within the brain. As a result, many people are overweight, crave sugar and other carbohydrates, experience bouts of depression, get frequent headaches, and have vague muscle aches and pain. All of these maladies are correctable by raising brain serotonin levels. The primary therapeutic applications for 5-HTP are low serotonin states as listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Conditions associated with low serotonin levels helped by 5-HTP

Carbohydrate craving
Sleep apnea
Migraine headaches
Tension headaches
Chronic daily headaches
Premenstrual syndrome

Although 5-HTP may be relatively new to the United States health food industry, it has been available through pharmacies for several years and has been intensely researched for the past three decades. It has been available in several European countries as a medicine since the 1970s.

Q:What advantages does 5-HTP have over L-tryptophan?

Q:What effect does 5-HTP have on weight loss?

Q:How does 5-HTP compare with melatonin in the treatment of insomnia?

Q:What is fibromyalgia and how does 5-HTP help?

Q:Can 5-HTP be taken with St. John's wort extract?

Q:Has 5-HTP been studied in the treatment of depression?

Q:Are there any studies where 5-HTP was compared directly to antidepressant drugs?

Q:How does 5-HTP benefit headache sufferers?

Q:What is the best way to take 5-HTP?

Q:Where can I get 5-HTP?

Q:Where can I get more information on 5-HTP?



other links: - includes studies, side effects, etc...


What it is

5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is an amino acid that occurs naturally in the body and is the final step in the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, an important chemical that’s responsible for many of the brain impulses involving satisfaction and well being. 5-HTP is created through the hydroxylating of Tryptophan. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that must be taken in through protein containing foods since the body can not synthesize it. Of the eight essential amino acids, tryptophan is the least common, accounting for only about one percent of protein content, and it is used up rapidly by the body. About ninety-percent is used in protein synthesis. The rest is divided between serotonin production and niacin production, which requires 60mg for every 1mg of niacin produced. However, 5-HTP is only used in serotonin production. 5-hydroxytryptophan is also able to pass through the blood-brain barrier easily, unlike tryptophan, which can only pass through the barrier by using the same transport molecule that caries leucine, isoleucine, and valine.

Unlike tryptophan supplements, 5-HTP supplements are not produced commercially by the fermentation of bacteria. Instead, it is extracted from the seeds of Griffonia simplicifolia, an African tree that is grown mostly in Ghana and the Ivory Coast. The extraction process uses alcohol and produces an oily solid. The oily extract is then purified into a dry solid. 5-HTP can also be made synthetically in the laboratory. The final product is the same as the one made by the body. .

On November 17th, 1989 the FDA recalled all L-Tryptophan supplements. The reason was an increasing worry that the supplements may be causing eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome. A syndrome that is characterized by severe muscle and joint pain, swelling of the arms and legs, skin rash and, sometimes, fever. At the time of this recall, tryptophan was gaining popularity in the treatment of insomnia, depression and obesity (among other uses). Today, 5-hydroxytrptophan is considered a safer and more effective treatment for these conditions.

Proposed Uses

  • Depression: 5-HTP deficiencies are believed to contribute to depression. 5-HTP supplementation has been shown to be effective in treating mild to moderate depression. In clinical trials 5-hydroxytryptophan showed similar results to those gained with the antidepressant drugs imipramine and fluvoxamine.

  • Fibromyalgia: Studies show that 5-HTP enhances serotonin synthesis, which increases pain tolerance and sleep quality. Patients with fibromyalgia have reported an improvement in symptoms of depression, anxiety, insomnia, and somatic pain (number of painful areas and morning stiffness).

  • Insomnia: In many trials, 5-HTP has reduced the time required to fall asleep and improved quality of sleep for those suffering from insomnia.

  • Migraines: 5-HTP reduced the frequency and severity of migraine headaches in clinical trials. Also, significantly fewer side effects were observed with 5-HTP compared to other migraine headache drugs.

  • Obesity: 5-hydroxytryptophan creates a fuller feeling - satisfying a person's appetite sooner. Thus allowing patients to stick with diets easier. It has also been shown to decrease the carbohydrate intake in obese patients.

  • Children’s Headaches: Children with sleep disorder-related headaches seem to respond to 5-HTP treatment.