Be prepared for emergencies by purchasing a ready made first aid kit or assemble one from common household items. Include in the kit the veterinarian's phone number, as well as the phone number and directions to the nearest emergency clinic.
The ASPCA also has a 24 hour Emergency Vet Poison Hotline 888-426-4435
A well stocked first aid kit includes the following items:
*Activated charcoal (available at drug stores) for absorbing poisons
*Adhesive tape to secure bandages
*Antibacterial ointment or powder for cleaning wounds
*Artificial tears for flushing eyes
*Benadryl, for allergic reactions, as directed by vet
*Blunt tipped scissors to trim hair from wounds and cut banaging material
*Chlorhexidine for cleaning wounds
*Cloths or sanitary napkins to help stem blood flow
*cotton balls
*cotton swabs
*disinfectant solution
*eye dropper, turkey baster, or syringe to flush wounds
*gauze pads and rolls to make bandages and a muzzle
*Hydrogen peroxide (3 percent) to induce vomiting as instructed by vet (Do only on a veterinary instruction. Do not induce vomiting unless the vet advises you to, in some cases of poisoning throwing up can make the situation worse)
*kaopectate (ask vet for appropriate amounts)
*K-Y Brand Jelly or petroleum jelly to lubricate a thermometer
*needleless syringe for giving liquid medications
*Needle nose pliers to remove obstructions from the mouth or nose
*Plaster splint for broken limbs
*rectal thermometer