Precautions Against Pesky Fleas!
The month of March is the time to prepare for those annoying fleas. If you start off the month right, you can keep those fleas at bay. If you put a flea collar on your critter, do it now! Before the army of fleas attack. Start your dog on some yeast supplements. Sprinkle Brewers yeast on your kitties food. Brewers yeast makes your pets blood taste yucky to fleas.
Flea Proof Dog House
Sprinkle salt all around your dog house to keep fleas at bay. Don't forget to sprinkle the salt into all of the crevices of your dogs home. Then place a bed of fresh pine needles on the floor of the house. Cover with his favorite blankie and your good to go! Or try this great pet tip sent in by Cynthia Hanson; "To keep fleas out of you dog's house, surround the house (and underneath) with cedar chips. Fleas hate the smell of the cedar and stay away."
Fleas Hate Salt!
Besides protecting your dog house with a sprinkling of salt, try washing your pet with salt water. That is sure to kill those pesky fleas! Add some salt to your vacuum bag and vacuum often during flea season. This will kill the fleas that are trapped in the bag. Don't forget to vacuum the couches and chairs.
Cats & Fleas
A good remedy to keep fleas off of your cat is this simple solution: Slice a whole lemon very thin (peel 'n all) and add to a pint of water. Heat this mixture right until the boiling point. Let sit overnight. In the morning gently rub the mixture into your cats fur and skin. Just dampen the fur don't drench it! Do this once a month. This is a natural flea killer! You can also use this every day for skin problems involving fleas. Sprinkle a small amount of Brewers yeast onto your kitties food. Fleas hate yeast! Also, avoid flea powders containing pyrethrins. Although considered safe, the cats will lick it off when grooming and will be ingested. It is so much safer for your cat if you use natural flea remedies. Don't forget to wash your feline's bedding and all area rugs often (the fleas will drown!). Vacuuming frequently is a must! Sprinkle some Rosemary or Eucalyptus leaves under your cats bedding (powdered Rosemary works in a pinch).
Dogs & Fleas
Start giving your dog Brewers yeast supplements in March. Or, just sprinkle the yeast into his food. You can even rub some Brewers yeast right onto his coat (a double whammy for those nasty fleas!). Sprinkle some Rosemary or Eucalyptus leaves under your dogs bedding (powdered Rosemary works in a pinch).
Flea Proof Your House!
Sprinkle 20 Mule Team Borax onto the carpet (get under the furniture too!), and on sofas and under cushions (Test on a small area to make sure this is safe for your fabric). Here is a homemade flea trap that won't cost you a dime. Take an old cake or pie pan and fill with water. Add a tablespoon of dish detergent. Place the pan under a nightlight. If you have a green bulb, use it in the nightlight (green works even better!). In the evening the fleas will jump into the pan and fleas can't swim!