Syl's SALSA (This stuff is yummmmy!)
>8 Large tomatoes peeled and chopped or 2 - 28 oz. canned tomatoes
>2 medium onions - chopped
>2-3 Jalapeno or green peppers plus two dried chillie peppers
>1 tsp. pepper 1 tsp. garlic powder or 2 gloves
>1 tsp. salt 1/4 - 1/2 tsp. Oregano
>1/2 tsp. celery seed 1/2 tsp. Cayenne or less
>1/2 cup vinegar 1/2 tsp. Worchestershire sauce
>small tin tomatoe paste
>Boil till thick!
>2 lbs. Green tomaotes + 3 more
>10 oz. onions
>12 oz. apples
>4 oz. sultana raisins
>1 tsp. salt
>1 tsp cayenne pepper
>1/2 tsp. dry mustard
>8 oz. sugar
>1/2 pint malt vinegar
>2 inches ginger root chopped
>Skin tomatoes by putting in boiling water for 1/2 minute. (some times takes
>longer). Chop tomatoes and put in preserving pan with chopped, peeled
>apples and onions. Add about half the vinegar and cook gently until the
>tomatoes and apples are soft, keeping the mixture well stirred. Then add
>the rest of the vinegar and all other ingredients and continue to cook
>steadily until the chutney thickens. This should take no longer than 15
>This chutney may dry out so make sure you don't over cook it. Put in
>sterilized jars while it is still slightly runny and seal.
>This is wonderful with pork and any kind of potatoes...My granddaughter uses
>it like relish on her hot dogs...LOL
>Again, Enjoy....Love, Syl