This is a recipe I got from my granny years ago! She made it all year long for her wild birds & they loved it! I've never made it myself, but I happened to remember that I had it when I sent Susie that suet feeder. If you try it, let me know if your birds like it.
Suet Cakes (for birds)
2 cups suet or lard
1 cup crunchy peanut butter
2 cups corn meal
1 cup flour
*may add rolled oats, brown sugar, sunflowers or raisins
Melt fat & peanut butter in microwave. Add all ingredients together, and mix well. Pat into cakes & cool in refrigerator. Remember, if you don't have a suet feeder to make a small hole in the cakes for a hanging wire to run through.
I don't know how many cakes it will make. I guess it depends on how big you want to make them. But with all that stuff, I'd say it makes plenty LOL!