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In The News : Copyrights and all the other BS
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname1957classic  (Original Message)Sent: 6/25/2007 10:57 PM

Since I, myself create many pages and try to experiment with new ideas,
I can understand someone wanting a little recognition for their work.
But where should it end?
The biggest discussions in groups right now, are copyright no-no's.
My first thought is, if you don't want someone to see it or use it, why are you even making it?
Secondly, if you want people to pay for it, why offer it free the first time and only God knows why you would you place it on the internet if you aren't sure.
There are ways to keep people from downloading images, why aren't these artists using these?
If I don't want my page to be used by someone else, I can encrypt the source page. If I don't want an image copied, I can place a clear GIF over it.
Someone might figure it out eventually but it will slow them down.
I've posted this a few times before:
Anything posted in our group should be considered available to everyone on the internet.
I use many of our pictures and siggies, somtimes posts, in pages that I make.
Even in some outside our group. If someone wants to use any of my pictures or pages, go ahead,
just place a small statement somewhere that I made it. I don't think it's right for someone to say yea,
it's OK to use my stuff then a year later come back and say it's a no-no.
Even though I have done this, I do realize I was in the wrong.
A gift still remains a gift, no matter the outcome.
My example for that would be the Blabber that I created in 2006.
Although I never used the Blabber name, I did a different version of it in here.
The UniChatter.

What about Music?
This is why I support websites like Limewire, Kaaza and Ares.
I fell in love with Beatle music back in the 60's.
My youngest sister (being 10 years older than me) already had gone thru that stage.
She had all their albums. Now it was my turn. Every chance I got I bought another album.
I wound up having the entire set. Then the late 70's came, they did the remasters,
making the Beatles Love Song Album and so on...
They just had to be in my collection so out I went and bought them too.
In 1978, I got married, guess who became addicted to beatle music too?
Yep, her.  And when we divorced, my collection mysteriously disappearred.
So I bought them all over again during these past years. With the addition of more "Un-released, never seen footage and newly made songs and films.
How many times should I have to purchase music before I can use it freely?
Freely, Is my definition of being able to share it with anyone I wish.
I think there should there be limits on royalties and copyrights just as there are on patents.
I don't believe that children of deceased creators should be allowed to control and keep on collecting money for things they never created.
I can understand wanting to help our children be prepared for the future, but I think this is going to far and has been for a long time.


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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameHerm_BCSent: 6/26/2007 5:19 PM
Mornin Classic:
'Tis that after breakfast coffee / reading time again.
Did you want my opinion on photo theft? Well seeing as you aren't here to reply to that, here I go.
Personally I don't care, for I submit or post any photos in email size. To print these photos they have to be rebuilt to a higher DPI which does absulutely nothing for picture quality.
I have personally done this only when I require a print of say a scan of a very old family photo.  Otherwise the effort is not worth the outcome.
To take credit for email photos one didn't take, well, I only have one thought regarding this.  Sooner or later he/she who professes to be what they are not slips up. Must be a mortifying experience, and certainly not worth the price, for in this day and era of digital photograpy and  software to compliment, it is hard not to take a great photo.
Also I have discovered that if I ask special friends for a full size file to print, they are pleased that I asked and I get the print. I have done likewise, for I too am pleased that they saw my photo as worthy of enlargement and frame. 
Coffee is finished....a photo shoot to go on this morning. Have a great day.

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname§må®t§õftbìõñdèSent: 7/14/2007 7:40 PM
IMO.........if you don't want it used, don't put it out on the net. There is NO way I will ever pay for psp tubes, most of us wouldn't even know these GILD artists if it wasn't for the people that do PSP anyway. It's nothing but greed that makes an artist give permission to use their artwork, then take it away UNLESS you pay for it. I have been leaving groups that make a big deal over "no-no's", it makes me feel like we are children doing something "bad". If I know who made the original artwork for the tubes I use, I'll usually go ahead and add their name to tags I make, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna search around and see whose it is.  I never have and never will-----I'll give up making tags first.

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname§må®t§õftbìõñdèSent: 7/14/2007 7:42 PM
Oh! and concerning music? I absolutely agree with this:
I think there should there be limits on royalties and copyrights just as there are on patents.
I don't believe that children of deceased creators should be allowed to control and keep on collecting money for things they never created.
I can understand wanting to help our children be prepared for the future, but I think this is going to far and has been for a long time.

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