Over the next few days I will be going over posted messages. Any siggie with a website printed on them will no longer be allowed here. This is having to be done because of an ex-member, that personally requested to be removed, has been receiving all our posts in her mailbox and she has been making a list of all these violations. Do I know it was her? Yes, I do. The Managers of Uni-Chat had a private note board that was hidden. The only way a member could see those posts would be if they received posts in their email. At the time, a message I posted to Daydream and Smart was copied and pasted off of this board and mailed to another person. This was the only member that had their profile set to receive mail in her box. Between Smart, Marty, Daydream and myself, we will clean up this group. I hope she realizes her group has quite a few violations too. I intend on returning the favor to her.