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Beading : Beaded Shoe Charm
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMystic4kitten20  (Original Message)Sent: 5/31/2008 12:55 AM

Beaded Shoe Charm

Beaded Shoe Charm Accessory

What you need:

1)   Glass seed beads, size 11/0 (Red and Silver)
2)   Beading String (0.25mm)
3)   Beading wire (0.25mm)

Step 1:

Cut a piece of beading string around half meter long.

Add four seed beads at the exact center of the string. Crisscross the other end of the string through the last added bead, forming a small bead circle as shown.

Step 2:

Continue to:

Add three beads on the bottom (black) line, crisscross the top (blue) line through the last bead added. (shown where the blue string comes out from).

Step 3:

Continue to:

Add three beads on the right (blue) string and crisscross the other end of the string through the last added bead. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 (marked A).

Step 4:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the left (blue) string, crisscross the right (black) string through the last added bead. (shown where both arrows are coming out from)

Step 5:

Continue to:

Add four beads on the left (black) string and crisscross the other end of the string through the last added bead. Continue to pass the black string, the one you used to add new beads on, through one old bead from step 3 (marked A).

Step 6:

Continue to:

Add three beads on the bottom (black) string, crisscross the top (blue) string through the last added bead. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 5 (marked A).

Step 7:

Continue to:

Add three beads on the right (blue) string and crisscross the other end (black) of the string through the last added bead. 

Step 8:

Continue to:

Add three beads on the top (black) string, crisscross the bottom (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 5 (marked A).

Step 9:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the top (blue) string, crisscross the bottom (black) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 5 (marked A).

Step 10: 

Continue to:

Add two beads on the top (black) string, crisscross the bottom (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 4 (marked A).

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMystic4kitten20Sent: 5/31/2008 12:56 AM

Step 11:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the left (blue) string, crisscross the right (black) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 (marked A).

Step 12: 

Continue to:

Add two beads on the left (black) string, crisscross the right (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 (marked A).

Step 13:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the left (blue) string, crisscross the right (black) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 2 (marked A).

Step 14:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the left (black) string, crisscross the right (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 2 (marked A).

Step 15:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the bottom (blue) string, crisscross the top (black) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 3 (marked A).

Step 16:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the bottom (black) string, crisscross the top (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 6 (marked A).

Step 17:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the bottom (blue) string, crisscross the top (black) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 6 (marked A).

Step 18:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the right (black) string, crisscross the left (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 7 (marked A).

Step 19:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the right (blue) string, crisscross the left (black) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through two old beads from step 7 and step 8 (marked A and B).

Step 20:

Continue to:

Add one bead on one side of the string and crisscross the other end through this new added bead. (shown where both arrows exit from)

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMystic4kitten20Sent: 5/31/2008 12:57 AM

Step 21:

Continue to:

Add one bead (marked 3) on the right (blue) string, add one more new bead and pass the same string back up through the three beads marked 1, 2 and 3. (from step 18, 19 and 21) 
Continue to add 3 more new beads on the same string and crisscross the left (black) string through the last bead added. 
Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through two old beads from step 8 and step 9 (marked A and B).

Step 22:

Continue to:

Add one bead on the bottom (blue) line, crisscross the top (black) line through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one pointing upwards) through one old beads from step 21 (marked A) and pass the black string (the one pointing downwards) through one old beads from step 10 (marked A).

Step 23:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the bottom (black) string and crisscross the top (blue) string through the last added bead. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on) through three old beads from step 21 and 17 (marked A, B and C).

Step 24:

Continue to:

Add one bead on one side of the string and crisscross the other end through this new added bead. (shown where both arrows exit from)

Step 25:

Continue to:

Add three beads on the right (blue) string and crisscross the left (black) string through the last added bead. Continue to pass the blue string, the one you used to add new beads on, through one old bead from step 23 (marked A).

Step 26:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the top (black) string, crisscross the bottom (blue) string through the last added bead. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 11 (marked A).

Step 27:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the top (blue) string and crisscross the bottom (black) string through the last added bead. Continue to pass the blue string, the one you used to add new beads on, through one old bead from step 12 (marked A). 

Step 28:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the top left (black) string, crisscross the bottom right (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 13 (marked A).

Step 29:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the left (blue) string, crisscross the right (black) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 14 (marked A).

Step 30:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the left (black) string, crisscross the right (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 15 (marked A).

Step 31:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the bottom (blue) string, crisscross the top (black) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through two old beads from step 16 and 25 (marked A and B).

Step 32:

Continue to:

Add one bead on one side of the string and crisscross the other end through this new added bead. (shown where both arrows exit from)

Step 33:

Continue to:

Add three beads on the bottom (blue) string, crisscross the top (black) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 25 (marked A).

Step 34:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the right (black) string, crisscross the left (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 26 (marked A).

Step 35:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the top (blue) string, crisscross the bottom (black) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 27 (marked A).

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMystic4kitten20Sent: 5/31/2008 12:58 AM

Step 36:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the top (black) string, crisscross the bottom (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 28 (marked A).

Step 37:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the top (blue) string and crisscross the bottom (black) string through the last added bead. Continue to pass the blue string, the one you used to add new beads on, through one old bead from step 29 (marked A).

Step 38:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the left (black) string and crisscross the right (blue) string through the last added bead. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 30 (marked A).

Step 39:

Continue to:

Add two beads on the left (blue) string and crisscross the right (black) string through the last added bead. Continue to pass the blue string, the one you used to add new beads on, through two old beads from step 31 and 32 (marked A and B).

Step 40:

Continue to:

Add one bead on one side of the string and crisscross the other end through this new added bead. (shown where both arrows exit from)

Step 41:

Continue to:

Add one red and one silver bead on the bottom (blue) string, crisscross the top (black) string through the last added bead. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 32 (marked A).

Step 42:

Continue to:

Add one silver and one red bead on the bottom (black) string and crisscross the top (blue) string through the last added bead. Continue to pass the black string, the one you used to add new beads on, through one old bead from step 33 (marked A). 

Step 43:

Continue to:

Add one silver and one red bead on the right (blue) string, crisscross the left (black) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 34 (marked A).

Step 44:

Continue to:

Add one silver and one red bead on the top (black) string, crisscross the bottom (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 35 (marked A).

Step 45:

Continue to:

Add one silver and one red bead on the top (blue) string, crisscross the bottom (black) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 36 (marked A).

Step 46:

Continue to:

Add one silver and one red bead on the top (black) string, crisscross the bottom (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 37 (marked A).

Step 47:

Continue to:

Add one silver and one red bead on the left (blue) string and crisscross the right (black) string through the last added bead. Continue to pass the blue string, the one you used to add new beads on, through two old beads from step 38 and 39 (marked A and B).

Step 48:

Continue to:

Add one silver bead on one side of the string and crisscross the other end through this new added bead. (shown where both arrows exit from)

Step 49:

Continue to:

Pass longer end of the string, back up through all the silver beads until it meets the other end and tie off. Pass the excess string back through the piece before cutting away excess.

Step 50: 

Adding on the bow:

Add a bow at the front top of the beaded shoe.

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMystic4kitten20Sent: 5/31/2008 12:59 AM


Cut a piece of wire around 1/2 a meter long.
String on 15 red seed beads, add on one last bead on both end of the wire in the same direction at the same time. Make sure one end of the wire is around 2 inches longer than the other.

Take the longer side of the wire, add on 15 red seed beads, pass the wire back through the last bead added in step 8, pull tight and add on 8 red seed beads, loop back through the second last bead added and all the way back up to the center of the bow.
Take the shorter side of the wire, add on 8 red seed beads, loop back through the second last bead added and all the way back up to the center of the bow where you meet with the other wire.

Crisscross both wire in opposite direction through one seed bead in the center of your beaded box (where the red strip are - shown in the diagram in blue). tie off the wire and you can hide the excess wire by passing it back through your beaded box piece, no specific order.

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