Natural Witchery - Intuitive, Personal & Practical Magick - by Ellen Dugan
Have you had time to stop and think about the magickal colors you wear in your life every day? Here is something that may assist you:
BROWN - This is a warm comforting colour that grounds and helps quite a mind that won't turn off. It is also a very nonthreatening color. Brown is linked to the element of earth, just as you'd expect, and is a fabulus warm and soothing color.
BURGANDY - A mixture of both powerful Red and protective Black, this is a color with a lot of oomph, and is one of those colors that is often over-looked. Shades of Burgandy and Maroon will actually protect you from the effects of certain types of needy and very emotionally draining people. Plus it wards off the occaional psychic vampire.
MAUVE - Mauve is a gorgeouse colour that encourages intuition and lessens mental confusion and the sensations of being overwhelmed by other stronger personalities. It also will help you gain cooperation from you coworkers. Mauve is actually a lighter tone of Burgandy, so you can apply the qualities of Burgandy in a lesser degree to this shade as well.
PINK - This shade reduces stress, relaxees its wearer and is a soothing and receptive colour. But this colour is not just for the ladies - while it invokes very soft, fuzzy feelings when worn on a women, if you are a male who occasionally wers a pink shirt, offset that colour with a Navy or Burgandy tie, and it will project that you are compassionate, relaxed individual who is secure and confident in his own style.
RED - There is something about Red that just stops traffic (pun intended). There is the classic "I'm in charge" Red suit for a wowmen and the Red power tie for the guys. This is a passionate and dynamic colour. Associated with the element of fire and strong, intence emotions, this is the hue to go for when you want and expect your coworkers' full attention. See yourelf as vibrant, strong, and intence; add a little Red to your wardrobr, and see what happens!
ORANGE - Orange punches up it wearer with confidence, energy, and enthusiasum. There are many gorgeous shades of Orange, so choose the most flattering on for your skin tones. Weare Orange to garner all the success you deserve and boost your self-assurance and personal energy level while you are at it.
CORAL - This is a high-voltage combination of hot Pink and bright Orange. Coral is an extreamley assertive color, as it gives its wearer the impression of confidence and approachability. This is a great colour to wear in a meeting when you are nervous but determined and still want to present yourself in the best possible light.
YELLOW - Wearing Yellow to work brings a bit of sunshine into your day, as it will promote personal vitality and brighten your mood as it reduces depression. This sunny color is linked to the element of air, so as you'd expect, it also promotes communication and the flow of ideas. Yellow makes your professional talents shine to their best adventage.
NEON GREEN - Neon Green is still a popular color, however, I suggest using it in moderation at work, unless you want to really stand out. And if that is the case, go for it! Bright and glowing shades of apple, lime, and Neon Green will stimulate you and keep you fired up; they also encourage new business opportunities.
GREEN - The primary shade of Green is for promoting career objectives while bringing prosperity, good, luck, growth, health, and strength. This color promotes heart chakra energy - no surprise there - and is the cloor of life. It also helps keep you gentaly grounded and is an excellent link to the earth and all of its magick.
TURQUOISE - A mystical mixture of Green and Blue, Turquiose is a fabulous color for healing, protection, and relieving stress. It's a great shade to wear when you need to pull up strength from deep inside of yourself.
BLUE - This soft healing shade can work wonders in a witchy wardrobe, as long as you don't go overboard with it. Blue represents the elemont of water, emotions, and phsyic receptivity. Shades of pastel Blue to denim can make you seem more open-minded and trustworthy-someone to confide in. It also helps you appear nonthreatening and will assist you in blending in and not dawing attention to yourself. However, if you wear too much Blue, you may notice that you are feeling "Blue" yourself, damn near invisible, or a little down in the dumps. So: all things in moderation, and remember to mix things - and your color palette - up.
ROYAL BLUE - I think of this shade as electric, and this color is commonly known as electric Blue. It is a strong and dynamic color. Need a boost? Try working a bit of exciting Royal Blue into your work wardrobe. Assosciated with the prosperous planetary energies of Jupiter, this is the color for the movers and shakers. It grabs attention, is a forceful color, and can be very uplifting, protective, and powerful.
DARK BLUE/NAVY - This color is a mixture of Blue and Black, and it does inspire respect and confidence. Interestingly, it also creates the impression of emotional distance - the exact opposite of what the softer tones of Blue will create - so bear that in mind.
LAVENDER - A relaxing color, this tint brings out your inner beauty and is a calming color to wear in the middle of a crisis or deadline. Lavender shades provid the subtle undercurrents of the element of water. This color encourages tranquility and may help to counteract a jealous coworker.
PURPLE - A favored color for magick users. The most royal of shades, it promotes fame, riches, respect, spirituality, and power. This shade also promotes insperation and imagination. There are many shades of purple available, so again choose the most flattering tone to complement your own coloring, and follow your instincts.
SILVER - This shimmering color promotes self-respect and spirituality. It can help reduce fears, while bumping up a feeling of safety and security. This is a Goddess color, and it is a motivational and receptive hue. If wearing a silver lame blouse is'nt your thing, consider silver jewerly.
GREY - Illusion, neutrality, and glamour; this color promotes invisibility. If all hell is breaking loose at work and your boss is on the warpath this week, then Grey is the way to go. It's not the only use however. Grey is a good neutral color. And if you are comfortable in your Grey skirt or slacks, then punch it up with a colored shirt, tie, or scarf and add a bit more color magick to the mix.
WHITE - A teaching and healing color - think doctors and nurses. Unless it is a part of your uniform, for best results, wear White in small amounts, otherwise it is overpowering. To be honest, there are very few people - unless they are super-thin runway models - who look good in a lot of White. So try a shirt, blouse, or sweater. To warm up mystical White and its effects, try a soft warm shade of Ivory.
BLACK - This hue conjures up images of power, intrigue, and mystery. It lets folks know that you are in a position of authority. It is also a very fashionable and dynamic color for most people - think Black tuxex and suits for men, or the Black cocktail dress or a long, flowing, witchy Ebony skirt for the women. Show me a Witch that doesn't have at least one all-Black outfit! The color Black establishes boundaries; it also can create a type of color sheild, if you are the type to have your feelings hurt easily. Consider adding some Black clothes to your wardrobe; depending on the cut and style it can be used to attract attention or to deflect it. The choice and power to wield that type of color magick is up to you.