Just for today, I will not anger
This is a tough one; I have seen Reiki Masters write about anger as completely unnecessary or even an affront to God. Anger is actually an appropriate response to behaviour that is abusive. It is our natural signal that our boundaries are being violated and we need to do something in their defence. The trouble is that there is so much dysfunctional anger in our society that most of us have learned any number of destructive ways of responding to this emotion, whether it's our own or another's. Anger can be a good clean way to let someone know they have gone too far; it can be expressed calmly and respectfully, and let go. Many of us have been hurt repeatedly because we learned not to express ourselves when we were abused or violated. I don't think Usui is telling us to open to abuse.
After a while of not expressing anger promptly and appropriately, enough gets stored up inside that it starts to explode when it gets triggered by something in the present. Such displays of anger are often totally inappropriate and out of proportion to the spark that ignited them.
The people on the receiving end of such outbursts see them, rightly, as abusive; if they don't get their responsive anger expressed and released, they hold onto it and the circle continues. If one holds on to anger long enough, it becomes the chronic process of resentment. This is particularly insidious because people often see it as justified. Then it explodes at their children, and the problem cycles through the next generation.
Anger, in its various forms, is extremely disharmonious energy that creates many diseases in the body. It releases hormones into the system that raise blood pressure, deplete energy resources, and disrupt sugar metabolism. The damage it does to the body of society is even more devastating; witness the current massive escalation in violent crimes. The cycle has to be broken, and the only way to break it is for individuals to make the decision , "Just for today, I will not anger."
The first step is not to deny the anger we have packed inside, but to be willing to feel it in a new way and to let it go. This isn't easy. If it were, the world would be a lot better off right now.
We need to look honestly at the anger we feel, figure out what caused it, find ways to express or transmute the energy behind it without hurting anyone, especially ourselves, and to let go of the hurts we have been nursing. We need to process the anger without being dragged into it. We need to acknowledge that the hurts that prompted it are in the past and make conscious decisions about how we want to respond in the present.
We need to develop the kind of compassion that lets us see that many of these hurts were not malicious, but a result of conditioning and the same kind of hurts inflicted years before on those who hurt us. We need to accept the very painful lesson that our own anger prompts us to hurt others in the same way. Finally, we need to forgive those who hurt us so that we can forgive ourselves.
For me, Reiki has been like a huge cocoon of Divine compassion, creating a safe space in which I could undertake this process. I had to learn not to feel guilty for my anger before I was able to see it with loving detachment. I had to feel the Divine love around me before I could surmount the fear of abandonment that prompted so much of my anger. I also needed to see how Reiki could wash away unhealthy energy without hurting anyone before I was willing to let my anger go. It was my growing capacity to channel Reiki which showed me how wonderful forgiveness could feel.
And it was in the peace that comes of knowing that a loving God/dess orders the universe for the highest good of all Her/His children that I have been able to start giving up the need to fight, and simply let be.
So, when you are writing affirmations that you won't anger, what is the positive opposite of anger? Depending on where you are in your healing process, it might be getting to know your feelings honestly; it might be learning to express them in a loving respectful way; it might be responding to the present with trust or from a foundation of peace; it might be learning to forgive; or it might be learning to love unconditionally. All of these processes represent steps on the path of healing our anger. There may be further steps I don't know about yet.
Just for today, I will do my work honestly
There is much more to this principle than not pocketing a pen on the way out of the office. This isn't about eschewing crime; it's about personal integrity. "Integrity", from the same root as "integrate", means having all one's parts working in harmony. So I see this principle as enjoining us to do whatever work we undertake with our whole being: body, mind, heart, and soul. One of the greatest gifts in life is to find one's soul purpose and to be able to work toward it on a daily basis. If you aren't there yet, it is still important to do work that you feel to be worthwhile and to do it to the best of your ability, using all your talents, and employing every part of yourself. Otherwise, parts of us whither from disuse, and we become only half alive.
Another aspect of this principle is the need to develop an honesty that comes from our core and becomes a way of life. This means learning to be honest in our self-assessment and our responses to the world and all the beings in it. It is hard to trust in Divine order if we haven't learned through experience that we can trust ourselves. We learn to trust ourselves as we get to know ourselves well enough to recognise what our truths are. Then we can learn to express these truths honestly, not only in words but in the more productive expression of our actions and our work. For it is through grounding our truths in work that we accomplish what we are on Earth to do.
Sounds very idealised and potentially guilt-making, doesn't it? That's what I thought when I first thought about it. But here, too, opening to Reiki has helped me find the resources I need to work toward its principles. My experience has been that the more I open to Reiki, the more I find the courage to admit the faults I find in myself. Somehow running Reiki helps me to recognise that at my core I am the stuff of God/dess, and the faults I find around that core become easier to accept. Once I accept them, I can release them. As I give up the denial systems I have used to cope with my fears and pains, I become better able to see what is actually happening in the world and how I respond to it. Then, I start to trust my own judgement and ability to act.
As I learn to trust myself, I learn to trust the world. As I learn to trust the world, the need for comforting half-truths diminishes, and I learn to trust myself. Then it feels safe to be honest with myself....and I learn to trust myself more....
Isn't it wonderful when the spirals in our lives start to move upward?
Just for today, I will show love and respect for every living thing
I find that this principle needs little explaining. The way to live together in peace on this planet is to respect the needs and the worth of all the creatures we share it with. Where there is respect there will not be violence or abuse. Where there is love, there is celebration of the happiness and success of another. The world tends to reflect to us what we project into it; witches believe threefold. One who is loving and respectful will be loved and respected, and we must love and respect ourselves in order to be able to love and respect others. It is another self-amplifying cycle.
It is less a matter of learning to love ourselves so that we can learn to be more loving, than a matter of opening to love, which is directionless. Like Reiki, which heals both giver and receiver so that the very concept of giving or receiving is irrelevant, love heals in both giving and receiving. If we open to learning to become loving, we learn to love both ourselves and others. And as we open to learning to become loving, we become the kind of beings it is easy to love.
Some people say that Reiki is love. Love is probably the single word that best describes how Reiki feels. Love/Reiki/God/dess. Open and let It All in.