~ Communicating Telepathically ~
Our present form of communication has its hang-ups.
At this time we need to understand the importance of nonverbal communication. The language forms that we know are very limited. They do not reach beyond the structure of the mind. They do not speak of the soul. Each verbal thought holds its own unique connections to limited forms. Even when we travel to a different country we are limited by the isolation of not being able to understand the language and feel the barrier. The next piece of our spiritual growth is to begin working and focusing on beautiful connections without verbal communication. Many of us seem to relish a verbal communication and this is the most challenging part of the quest.
What are the benefits of telepathy?
The benefits of telepathy are far reaching as this form of non-verbal communication allows for long distance travel and connects on a higher level. We should also mention the savings on the phone bills! Practice working with each other in your dreams, in your thoughts, and in your messages without speaking verbally. Work telepathically and communicate to each other in thought form.
There are also other reasons to work on this level. First, you can communicate with other realms more clearly in this manner when you really refine your skills. You will be able to connect with loved ones on the other side of life and your spirit guides. You can communicate more specifically when you are not bound in verbal thought forms. And the next part of this exercise is that, for each of you, as you travel and dip in and out of this world and into the other dimensions, you will need to be able to communicate without verbal connection. You will need to remember that just because the person isn't on the other end of the phone, as it were, or the paper, that you can communicate with them just as clearly and, specifically, more powerfully. You will be communicating with them on a soul level, which is the most powerful way to connect.
Feel the freedom.
Part of your freedom is in not being limited by thought forms that are limited to by the specific social and moral verbal processes. You are each unlimited souls. Each of you chose your particular connections and lessons on this earth plane. But it is time to stretch any of your limited thought patterns that come so that there is no definition to them once and for all.
If any part of your life feels a bit like a corral, jump the fence!
Dare to jump without fear, without knowing what's on the other side of the fence. Telepathic communication will be the new form of communication in the not too distant future. Our worlds are getting closer than you know, and this skill will prepare you fully for the next piece of the journey.
An Exercise:
Think of someone you'd like to invite to join you in a telepathic game. Phone them and agree upon a time during which you will communicate with each other telepathically. At the specified time, begin a quiet meditation. Imagine an object, place, creature, or song that you associate with this person. Choose whatever imagery comes to you most easily and naturally. Focus all your intention on sending this image to your friend. After completing your meditation, check in with your friend. It will be fun to see what information your friend received.
Next time, let your friend be the transmitter and see what you receive. Repetition of this exercise strengthens your telepathic abilities (and saves on phone calls!).
Record here what you sent and what your friend received. (Watch your telepathic skills improve the more you practice them.)
Who else would you like to communicate with telepathically?
Are there ways that you are already communicating telepathically with them (For instance, you phone them and they say they were just thinking about you.)
Have fun exploring other places in your life where you can practice telepathic connection, for example to pets, people, or plants.