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Familiars&Guides : the HERVAL FAMILIAR
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadySylvarMoon  (Original Message)Sent: 2/28/2007 5:19 PM



The Herbal Familar~by Raven Grimassi 

Many people are accustomed to the concept of the Witches' familiar spirit. Most people think of this in terms of an animal or spirit companion. In this article I will present an older form of the familiar, that which dwells as the spirit within the plant. Since ancient times, the belief in a "mana" or "numen" spirit has been widespread. It is this indwelling consciousness that gives a plant its occult powers and properties.

The purpose of the following technique is to raise or grow a plnat as a "familiar spirit" or a magickal plant for spellworking. In ancient times, a circle of small stones was set around the chosen plant to "bind" the numen spirit there. Then a hole was dug toward the roots ( being careful not to damage them) and a chosen power stone was set in place to "charge" the plant with the intent of one's magick.

Over the passing of the centuries the method has evolved somewhat. Today it is a bit different, but equally as effective. You can begin with a seed or young sprout/plant. Prepare the soil for planting in a secluded area, one that is appropriate for the needs of theplant. Take the stone or crystal that you have selected to fit your purposes, and place it three inches deep in the soil.

Fill in the soil over the crystal and plant the seed (or plant) as is appropriate. Lay a circle of eight marking stones around the plant site. At each of the four quarters (of the stone circle) place a crystal or stone of the same type you buried in the soil. The other four stones may be of the same type, or may be assorted. If you have selected stones or cyrstals possessing occult powers make sure that they are are harmonious in nature to one another. The spacing of the stones is determined by the physical needs of the plant, so allow for the growth of the plant. 

Method One

If you planted a seed, wait seven days after the sprout appears to proceed with the following. If you used a young plant, wait seven days after planting. Remove the stones between the quarter stones and plant a seed at each point. Next bury the quarter stones where they lay, at least an inch deep. The seeds may be of the same type as the plant within the circle, or an assortment of plants.

Each day, for seven days, place both palms on the ground within the circle. froming a triangle with your fingertips (index fingers and thumbs touching). The stem of the plant, or the buried seed, will be in the open center of the triangle. Using your imagination and visualization, sense your power flowing out through your arms and into the soil. The 'source" of the power can begin from one (or more) of your personal power centers, or you may employ personal techniques for drawing/raising power.

It is important to talk to the plant and send it visual images. Communicate your needs and desires to the plant through mental pictures. This is the foundation stage, and it is vital that you "inform" the indwelling spirit with the intent of your magickal charge. This will align the entity and create a rapport between you and the plant. It is in this stage that both you and the plant become familiar to one another.

As the plant grows, you must take good care of it. This is essential to the relationship you are forming. Learn as much as possible about the needs of the plant. Water and fertilize it as is suited to its natural environment. Check it daily for insects and protect it from damage of any kind. For a deeply intimate connection with the plant's spirit you can create a strong bond by adding three drops of your blood to a quart of water, using this water for your plant during its routine care.

On a magickal level, what you have accomplished through these techniques is as follows. First you've amplified the power level of the spirit numen or mana thourgh placement of the stones or crystals. Secondly, you have extended its power and influence to the other plants around it. This is because the seeds within the ring became alive under the emanating influence of the center crystal/stone and the plant. They were bathed in the cross-quarter current of energy, controlled from the center entities, through the quarter crystals you placed.

Whenever you need to use the leaves, flowers, or roots of the plant for spells or portions, use only the circle plants (never the center plant). The center plant is the familiar. The other plants are simply extensions of its power. This is the principle of contagion magick. Whatever is in close proximity with another thing, or mixed with something else, takes on some of the neighboring power. This is also one of the reasons for employing stones or crystals in creating a plant familiar.

The final step in creating this plant familiar is to establish your link and strengthen your rapport. To do this you must sit comfortably in front of the plant at the north quarter facing south. In teh Old Religion, north is the place of divine power and the south is the realm of the astral forces (reversed for you down under). Sitting in this position makes you the bridge between these worlds, from which you can direct the flow of energy.

Stare comfortably at the plant and then allow your vision to slightly blur. In this state observe the general shape of theplant. Do not force or rush this process. Try to leave your mind blank and receptive. Eventually the plant will transmit an image to you mentally as you gaze at it. You will receive this "formed thought" as a physical distortion of the plant. Its shape will shift and transform so that it begins to resemble something else. It may appear as an animal, insect, or some other creature.

Whatever shape is revealed to you witll be the familiar spirit, the magickal bond between you and the consciousness of the plant. The familiar will give you extra power in any magickal work whenever you summon it. House plants can become protective entities for your home through this technique. Plants given as gifts can be very useful for magickal purposes as well. You can harvest the leaves and flowers of the circle plants and make magickal sachets for friends and loved ones.

To summon your familiar, simply imagine your plant in its setting and visualize it becoming the transmitted image of the spirit familiar orginally revealed to you. Mentally draw it to you and allow it to merge within your thoughts. Do this by picturing it moving to you in the way the creature would animate itself in nature. Choose a "word of calling" or a ""beckoning gesture" to accompany the summoning visualization. Then mentally receive the creature into your body and spirit through your forehead. Experience the entity form, imagining that you are that creature. See yourself as the entity form, be the form, and act like the form. This is how it becomes a familiar spirit. Once you can perform this successfully, then you truly possess a familiar spirit.


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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadySylvarMoonSent: 2/28/2007 5:20 PM

Method Two

On the night of the New Moon, place a seed or a plant over a buried cystal or personal power stone. Each day, after sunset, focus your pwer through your hands as you did in method one. Your source of power must be evoked and focused before you begin. To do this, perform the following: Sit comfortable in front of the plant, at the west quarter facing east. Close your eyes and visualize the Full Moon above you. Using imagery, mentally draw the Moon down until it sits just above your head. Next, visualize its light glowing brightly. Then mentally move the Moon down to your stomach area, seeing it glide softly downward through your body. Once the Moon is resting just below the navel, visualize it expanding outward until it encloses you totally in a sphere of light. The image would be similar to sitting inside a glowing white ballon.

At this point, begin to pour the light out through your hands into the soil, as though your arms are hoses. You may drain the light completely if you wish, or simply a portion of it, releasing the rest back into the air. In any case you must rid your body of the gathered power. Then begin to send your visual communications to the plant, establishing what is desired of the familiar spirit. This method works extremely well for the formation of magickal plants in general.

Create an "image play" for the plant, mentally transmitting images of how you will use the plant familiar. This is very much like daydreaming, so feel free to indulge yourself. Picture the successful outcome of the spell, potion, or work of magick, and transmit this to the plant. Include the summoning of the familiar, and picture the intended work of the familar in your visual communication. As in method one, you must take good care of the plant. Add other plants to the stone circle for this method also.

On the night before the Moon is Full, perform the following: Set out an open jar beneath the Moon, containing the water you are using for the plant. If possible, use a green glass jar or a green filter over the jar. Leave this out for the night and be sure to remove it before sunrise. On the night of the Full Moon, pour this water over the plant. Then take some white flour and sprinkle it in a waxing crescent shape on the soil. The plant will occupy the center of the crescent. The stones of the circle surround the crescent image. If you desire, you can set a crystal at each tip of the crescent to enhance the power focused on the plant. This technique will make the chemical properties of the plant more potent, increasing its magickal potential as well. Being attuned to Lunar energy in this way allows the plant to work well within the astral and subconscious spheres of influence.

Working With The Plant Familiar

In method one you were shown the technique for summoning the familiar. Now we will look at some techniques for using the familiar in the Witches' craft.


For powdered or herbal bulk incense, summon the familiar and send it to rest on the material. Mentally see it move across the surface, occasionally digging down into the material and then reappearing through the surface. Visualize the material beginning to glow with the symbolic color of the desired magical effect (see chart below) until it seems fully charged. Then recall the familiar and return it to the plant. Color correspondences for incenses are:

BLUE: peace, contemplation, and spirituality.

RED: passion, motivation, lust, vigor, and vitality.

GREEN: growth, healing, balance, abundance, and love.

YELLOW: mental activity, excitement, and stimulation.

PINK: firendship, relationships, and forgiveness,.

PURPLE: magical energy, unseen forces, and decisiveness.

BLACK: absorbing, compelling, binding, and disintegrating.

BROWN: grounding and solidifying

GRAY: neautralizing, discerning, and disenchanting.

SILVER: enchanting, enhancing, blending, and changing.

GOLD: success, vitory, enrichemnt, and purifying.


Set the potion before you and summon the spirit familiar. After you have successfully linked, mentally project the familiar out into the potion. See it enter the potion, swimming and diving within the liquid. As it performs these acts, see the liquid begin to glow with a color that corresponds to the desired magical effect. Through such visualizations you help the famikiar impart its magical energy to material objects.

Amulets and Talismans

Summon the familiar and project it onto the amulet or talisman. Visualize it grasping the edges and see it glowing with teh symbolic color of the desired effect. Mentally picture the familiar being absorbed into the obect, and then have it reform, still grasping the item. Carry the amulet or talisman with the familiar attached to it. However, be sure to return the familiar to the plant within two days. The spirit needs to revitalize itself within the living plant. A spirit needs a physical form in order to remain within the material world.

Mental Influence

Familiars can be used to influence the thoughts and emotions of other people. Through your familiar you can lend someone else some creativity, inspiration, motivation, or whatever. Normally, this is most effective when the person is asleep or under the influence of a drug, as in the case of major surgery. Even when the person is fully conscious this method can still be effective.

Summon your familiar and project it intop the mind of the person desired. See it "perched" upon the corwn of the head,thenmentally see it enter through the forehead, the "third eye" power center. Leave it within the person's mind while they sleep (or for several hours if the person is conscious) and then recall it, returning it to the plant. As always, you must instruct the familiar mentally (or verbally) as to what it is to accomplsh, and you must doirect it through imagery during the work.


Summon the plant familiar and project it into the body of the person concerned. Visualize it being the same size as the patient and see it merge with his or her physical body. Mentaly see the patient glowing with the symbolic color of the desired effect. If a specific area of the body is concerend, then focus the familiar there and metnally reduce its size so that it is compatible with the area requiring healing. See it move and out, removing and discarding the illness. This can be visualized as bits of dark material or whatever may seem appropriate. Intensify the magical color in this area for the healing. Finally, recall the familiar and return it to the plant.

Plant and Herbal Correspondences

BINDING: holly, ivy, mullein, shepherd's purse, and solomon's seal.

BLESSING: acacia, hyssop, orris, pennyroyal, and rosemary.

MAGICAL DEFENSE: basil, clove, dragon's blood, reed, fennel, garlic, nettle, peppers, rue, thistle, vetivert, and wormwood.

PURIFICATION: angelica, bay, centuary, eyebright, lovage, mint, myrrh, pennyroyal, rue, sage, St John's wort, and vervain.

RELATIONSHIPS: columbine, cowslip, daisy, dittany of crete, feverfew, lady's mantle, periwinkle, primrose, thyme, vervain, and yarrow.

PSYCHIC NATURE: chammomile, cinquefoil, heliotrope, jasmine, and rosemary.

DIVINATION: camphor, goldenrod, ivy, mugwort, orris, and wormwood.

PERSONAL POWER: carnation, dittany of crete, gentian, ginger, pennyroyal, and solomon's seal.

HEALING: cinnamon, gardenia, garlic, goldenseal, and vervain.