Magical Use for Nettles
Planet; Mars
Element; Fire
Deity; Thor
Powers; Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Lust.
Magical Uses; The protective powers of the nettles has long been used in
magic. To remove a curse and send it back stuff a poppet with nettles, or
carry some in a sachet.
Also, sprinkle nettle around the house to keep evil out and to send it back.
Nettle is also thrown onto a dire to avert danger, held in the hand to ward
off ghosts, carried with yarrow to allay fear, and worn as an amulet to keep
negativity far away. A pot of freshly cut nettles placed beneath a sickbed
will aid in the person's recovery.
Nettles has sometimes been used as a lust-inducing herb, and contemporary
Mexican spiritualists recommend its use in purification baths...because it
is "more carnivorous" than other herbs, and so will work more efficiently.
~Scott Cunningham