Four Leaf Clover
If you find a four-leaf clover, make a wish on it. (This is the simplest ritual of many connected with the "lucky clover.") A general tradition is that the four-leaf clover is considered "lucky" and often carried as a talisman.
As you wish on a four-leaf clover, hold it over your head.
If you find a four-leaf clover, make a wish as you put it in your shoe.
After you have wished on a four-leaf clover, toss it away.
If you find a four-leaf clover, do not pick it, but make a wish, and the chances of your wish coming true will grow as the clover grows.
If you find a four-leaf clover, say the following chant while touching each leaf in turn:
"One leaf for fame,
One leaf for wealth,
One for a faithful lover,
One for glorious health;
All in this four-leafed clover."
When you have finished saying the chant, twirl the clover between two fingers of your right hand and make a wish for one of the four things the clover holds for you. (You can press the clover between the pages of a book.)
When you find your first four-leaf clover in spring, eat it as you make a wish.
If you find a four-leaf clover on your birthday, pick it, cradle it in your palms, and say:
"Birthday, four-leaf clover,
Now I turn you over.
(Turn over the clover.)
Here's my wish.
(Whisper the wish into your palm.)"
A birthday clover is supposed to be especially powerful.
If you are unmarried, and find a four-leaf clover, put it in your shoe and wish to find a sweetheart. If you've walked at least three hours with the clover in your shoe, and all the leaves are still on the clover, your wish will come true within three months.
If you find a four-leaf clover in any month but May, pick it, make a wish, and put it in your left shoe.
If you find a four-leaf clover, pick it and then kiss it as you make your wish. Put it in your shoe and remove it the day you want your wish to come true.
Put a four-leaf clover in your shoe as you make your wish; when the clover gets lost, you will get your wish. (Clearly, it can only be "lost" by accident.)
When you find a four-leaf clover, pick it without breaking off any leaves, make a wish on it, and carry it with you the next twenty-four hours. If any leaves break off during these twenty-four hours, your wish will not come true.
~source unknown~