Boy Wizard's Flying Car Vanishes
Harry Potter's Beat-Up 1962 Ford Anglia Stolen From Film Studio Lot
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Ron and Harry may be walking a lot more in future movies. (WARNER BROS.)
LONDON, Oct. 28, 2005
(CBS/AP) It's no ordinary stolen car job.
The 1962 Ford Anglia that magically flies in the Harry Potter films has been stolen from a film studio lot in Southwest England, reports CBS News correspondent Steve Holt (audio).
Police say the car "vanished" from the South West Film Studios in St. Agnes, Cornwall, sometime in the past couple of days.
"It's definitely seen better days. We understand there's no way it would have been able to drive away under its own steam," said Constable Baxter Provan, which means it was probably towed or put on a trailer.
Provan says, given its fame, the car is probably unsellable.
©MMV CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.