What you'll need: 3 candles; blue, white, pink incense (1 part allspice, 1 part rosemary)
paper with name of recipient quartz crystal
Place candles on altar in semi-circle, with the incense off to the side
Place the person's name in the center, with the quartz crystal on top.
Center yourself, and inhale the incense.
Gather energy, and when you feel ready, release the energy, directing it through the
crystal to the recipient.
Wrap thee in cotton Bind thee with love
Protection from pain Surrounds like a glove.
May the brightest of blessings Surround thee this night.
For thou art cared for, Healing thoughts sent in flight
Take a poppet and sprinkle it liberally with blessing oil.
Rub a perfume oil all over your hands and hold them over the dolls head, palms open and say:
You are very ill-be healed
You will recover-be healed
Heal! Heal! Heal!
Now blend equal amounts of Rosemary perfume oil, Violet perfume oil, Voodoo oil
and Damnation powder. Mix thoroughly until you have a paste.
Completely coat the doll from top to bottom with this mixture and repeat the words given above.
After several times, carefully wrap the coated doll in a piece of red cloth and hide it away,
it must not be seen for several days. Then take the doll and burn it and scatter the ashes to the wind.