This time is known by some as the "Feast of the Waxing Light" it is the time of year that we are beginning to notice
the Sun Gods growth in that the days are becoming longer. This, like MayDay/Beltane, is another pagan holiday
which has survived into the current time, now it is celebrated as Ground Hog Day.
ANGELICA--is best in the ritual cup. In this manner is considered to bring one in contact with the inhabitants of Atlantis and to bring Atlantean energies into their lives, visions and understanding.
BASIL--this is the traditional time of year for initiations and the initiate should have been taking daily tonics of basil for at least the last two weeks. It is given now to prepare the innerself for initiation to bring fortitude.
BAY--if the ritual is to be a solemn occasion then it is appropriate to chew one or two (no more than that!) Leaves and meditate upon the growing light and Sun God.
BENZOIN--is used in the incense.
CELANDINE--is used in the ritual cup and tossed into the fire.
HEATHER--is used to decorate the entire space.