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Job & Career : to attract customers & store purification - SPELLS
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From: MSN NicknameLadySylvarMoon  (Original Message)Sent: 12/9/2006 6:33 AM
Make a fine powder out of some basil leaves and sprinkle them around the main
entrance to the home or place of business. It is believed that only good and friendly
people will enter, since it supposedly repels those who intend harm toward the workers
of a business or the occupants of a home.
This rite utilizes the powers of the four elements (Earth, Air, Fire and Water) to cleanse
the store or dwelling. At a time when the business is closed, assemble the main Members
of the group and on a table assemble the following items:
a bowl of seal salt an incense burner or smudge stick a white candle a bowl of holy water
Light the incense and the candle. Stand before the table and open
yourself to the dwelling. Feel its energies. Really tune into any
impressions you receive. After a moment, hold your hands over the
assembled tools and say something like the following (Feel Free To Improvise):
"I Charge you, tools of the elements to sweep my dwelling clean of
all ill and bane. This is my will, so mote it be."
(several other items needed)
a wand a black candle a white candle a crystal (cleansed prior to use)
With the wand say:
"We dedicate these tools to the goddess and god to help us in our work."
Touch the wand to the sea salt, the holy water, the incense or
smudge, the crystal, the lighted white candle, and say:
"We dedicate these tools to the god and goddess and the five
elements. We dedicate them to helping us in our work of healing
meditation, divination and inner growth."
This next part of the ritual is to banish any negative energies around and in the store or dwelling.
The group forms a procession walking counter clockwise through every room in the store or
dwelling, carrying the smudge stick and the lit black candle saying:
"We banish from this place all pain and negativity. We neutralize negative or mischievous
entities from this place. We send you to the goddess and the god, to heal you and take you
where you need to go."
If you have cedar branches available, place one in each room before you leave it.
Now, go outside the dwelling and with your procession again walking counter clockwise,
repeat the verse again still smudging and burning the black candle, walk around the dwelling.
If available place cedar branches in front of doorways.
Now put out the black candle and smudge stick (incense).
You are still outside the dwelling. Turn clockwise in the procession...light a white candle...
and burn sweet smelling incense.
Walk around the dwelling and say:
"We invoke to this place protection, prosperity, peace, healing, wellness, and creativity."
Place a flower or crystal at each corner of the dwelling.
Now the procession re-enters the dwelling, and again walking clockwise
in each room with the white candle and sweet incense repeats the
above verse. If you have a flower or crystal to leave in each room as
you exit, do so. The group forms a circle around the table where you
first began. One person (the one in charge) leads the group. She
takes the dish of salt, and moving clockwise, leads the group
throughout each room saying:
"By the powers of Earth, I cleanse this dwelling."
The group is to follow her and repeat what she says.
Make sure to do all the corners, windows, doorways of each room as
you go. Imagine, seeing the salt burning away negativity as you
sprinkle and toss it. Your purification will be as strong as your visualization.
Next, set the salt down and pick up the censor or incense, carry it
from room to room (The same route you used with the salt...walking following and repeating) Be sure to hold it before
all windows and doors, and in the corners of each room. Visualize the
smoke clearing away all negativity and evil. Say the following:
"By the powers of Air, I cleanse this place."
Once you have walked through the whole dwelling, return the censor or
incense to the table. Take the lit white candle on the same route.
Again, visualize moving clockwise and holding the flame before
windows and doors, seeing it shining forth with magical power,
burning away negativity. As you go say:
"By the powers of Fire, I cleanse this place."
Replace the candle on the tale and take up the bowl of holy water.
Sprinkle the holy water throughout the house, in every corner, and at
exits and entrances. Toss some drops at and through windows. See and
know that the holy water is washing away ills with a tidal wave of
magical power. Say the following:
"By the powers of Water, I cleanse this place."
Set the bowl of holy water on the table. Stand for a few moments and
feel the difference in the dwelling. It should feel calmer, more
peaceful, fresh and clean. If not, repeat the ritual Group again
forms a circle around the table. You will need four candles to
represent the four elements/directions, yellow for East/Air, Red for
the South/Fire, Blue for the West/Water, Green for the North/Earth.
Also, if you wish you may use a white candle to represent the Holy Spirit.
Each member is to say a prayer, asking for the blessings of the
Goddess and God, asking for the qualities they want for the dwelling.
The leader of the group will light each candle as she says: "I call
upon you, powers of the Air, to witness this rite and to guard this
place." (light the yellow candle) "I call upon the Powers of Fire, to
witness this rite and to guard this place." (Light the red candle) "I
call upon the Powers of Water, to witness this rite and to guard this
place." (Light the blue candle) "I call upon the powers of Earth to
witness this rite and guard this place." (light the green candle)
"I call upon the Powers of the Holy Spirit to witness this rite and
to guard this place." (Light the white candle)
Leader says: "Today we dedicate this place to the God and Goddess,
for our protection, safety, peace and creativity. In this ritual we
have banished anything that could be negative and have invited
instead all prosperity and love."
"We have invited Earth, who protects all women, children and the
dwelling. We have invited Fire who protects the dwelling, home and
hearth. We have invited water, who gives abundance. We have invited
Spirit, who is of the deities and the Earth and who protects all peoples."
You may want to add blessings, poems, or chants to be done by members of the group.

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