The spirit of the Labyrinth
Walking the Labyrinth fulfills six important needs; deepening spitituality, inwardness and connection to the soul, access to intuition and greativity, simplicity for integration of body and spirit, and intimacy and community. The Labyrinth addresses all six of these human needs, transforming the lives of those who take the time to walk it's paths.
The Labyrinth is a powerful spiritual symbol speaking to our souls, that transcends all creeds and beliefs. All spiritual traditions speak of life as a path, a spirit journey, with it's own twists and unexpected turns, to the heart of spirit. Walking the Labyrinth can help put our feet back on our own path, be reminding us of our own lives as spiritual journeys.
In our harried and rushed lives, the Labyrinth offeeers us a gift of making it easier to set aside time to look inward. With each step, we shed the outside world and enter deeper into our inner lives. Sometimes during a walk the inner movement may be about a simple moving of deep silence and meditating in darkness. and in others tears or unexpected joy may suddenly well up. A memory to walk through and heal. a vision of how our lives could or should be. A prayer for our community and loved ones, or other problems to work thorough opr understand.
During a Labyrinth walk the left and right hemispheres of the brain are balanced, leading to the perfect atate for accessing intuition and creativity. We let go of our linear and anatytical thinking and move into a more creative and intuitive awareness, For looking at new perspectives or relationships, and inspiring creativity for new projects, or hobbies. For unjamming creative blocks, and tapping into our own intuition for help in decision making and life dreaming. Creative visualation, jounaling and affirmations, can be combined with walking for greater results.
The Labyrinth's gift is simplicity, both the simplicity of stripping away all external do's and don'ts and to listen to our own voices with a simple walk. Just show up and put one foot in front of the other and breath. Who knew! something as simple as a circular line on the ground could produce such as impact on our lives.
At the basic level, walking the Labyrinth restore our connection to our bodies allowing us to shed stress and tension. It's similar to the traditional walking meditations of Eastern traditions finding the presence of the sacred in our own breath and moment of our body.