PROBLEM SOLVING Allowing the Labyrinth work for you
The Labyrinth invites us to show up and walk with a mindful preperation for a walk. The more we prepare for the walk, the deeper and more tranformational it will be. Preperation can be as simple as taking a moment and stand at the entrance, breath and become clear about your intention for the walk. and can also mean, several several days of thoughtful preperation as one gets ready for the Labyrinth experience.
-POWER OF CONCIENCE INTENT- By being conscious of our intentions while walking, we harness it's power. We can frame them as either a question or a statement. The power of intention is not how it's worded, but in, that it's consciously chosen and walked into.
We must be willing to hear the truth as we walk into our intention, if your after the truth, you have to put aside the need for a specific answer, just open your mind and be entirely honest, don't let your mind get in control of the answer or rather a powerful subconcious need for a certain answer that you can't hear your true answer.
Before entering ask yourself, "Am I really willing to know what I need to know?" "Am I realling willing to recieve guidence that may lead me in a new directon?' "Is my commitment to know the truth greater than my commitment to having the answer be the one I'm demanding?" If you can honestly say yes then procede with the walk. your choice must be made consciously. The more willing we are to hear the truth, the greater the chance is that we will recieve guidance that will lead us to greater healing and wholeness.
As you begin your walk, think of a question or issue that concerns you right now, or simply ask "what do I nees more clarity on in my life?" , "What feels unresolved?" or "What does life seem to be inviting me to learn more about or deal with right now?"
Breath into the question and be open to what comes up. Be it a familiar issue, or one you haven't thought much about. Pay attention to the energy of the issue or question. You can pray for someone, or situation, simply hold the person or issue in love and light as you walk. You can reflect on the past year, or walk into your dreams and goals for the future, or new year (a good thing to do at new years)
You can work with a particular emotion, or feeling, bringing it into sacred apace for healing, ask for guidence in understanding it better, you can surrender to spirit as you walk. You can walk with a prayer for healing a relationship, by having as intention to recieve guidence or understanding.
-WORKING ON CREATIVITY- The Labyrinth is a wonderful place to bring a creative project into, walking for guidence on how a project should infold. also a great way of dealing with blocks and stagnation.
After you gain claity on the issue, think of how you can put it consciously as an intention or question. phrase it a way that allows for the most open-ended exploration and learning experience. And soon you will have 'unblocked yourself and those wonderful creative juices will flow forth.
-PHRASING QUESTONS- Begin with an invocation for guidence and support from spirit, God/Goddess, spirit animal, the four directions, ect. This can be verbal, visual, seeing favorite image, a physical touch, a deep breath, or bow. Acknowledge in you invocation, your commitment to the truth. And when you are ready, step into the Labyrinth.
As you walk, let your intention or question sink more deeply into your heart and soul. Responses and intuitions may come in the form of words, feelings, images, or just a knowing if your question concerned a childhood or past hurt, you may notice teeth clenched, and fists tight, slow or stop and relax knowing you will walk through this, and relax. If you get responsesyou don't understand, the center is a good place to ask for additional guidence in understanding.
Be softly aware of your surroundings for answers may come to you like noticing an object, tree, animal, or bird outside of the Labyrinth, stop and observe what this means, alot of times the aspects of that tree, animal, or bird is what you need, the Labyrinth made you stop and focus on the need and was rewarded by and answer as cryptic or as unreal as that may be.
-THE CAULDRON PATH- Being open-minded is important, this is a magickal place where anything can and does happen. A Labyrinth is akin to the cauldron of the Celtic Goddess Cerridwen stirring her cauldron. We walk as of stirring the cauldron, and the self is getting stirred at the same time, of which it brings up all the 'stuff' that's settled to the bottom.
As we walk this cauldron path, 'stuff' may get stirred up that we had no idea was there, when that happens, it can be important to go with the stirring, letting go of our original intent.
-RELEASE EXPECTATION- Walking open-minded also means releasing expectations for how the walk will be. Get rid of your preconcieved notion, walk the Labyrinth for what it is for you. Don't bring expectation into it, 'get out of your own way!' Learn to let go of expectations and the outcome in the Labyrinth can be a very powerful growth time in retrospect .