When we share intimate relationships with people, often we unconsciously take on some of
our partner's traits and visa versa. In a close relationship this can deepen the connection and
allow two people to function and relate more easily as one. However this condition is not
desirable because it ultimately weakens both parties involved. Pieces of your soul become
artificially incorporated into other people and visa versa.
So if the relationship breaks by any circumstance, both parties may feel as though they're
missing parts of themselves, and also are haunted with some of pieces of the other's behaviors,
thinking and emotional patterns, etc. Now, your soul is linked to you no matter where it has
been stretched to. There are always threads leading back to the source which can never
(or only with deliberate effort) be wholly severed. So by breathing with those threads, it is
possible to retract the lost parts of yourself, and release the parts which are not yours to keep.
Do this as follows.