Learning to breathe for meditation and health has proved to be a "practicing" step with a few people. I know it took me awhile to get the hang of it. But once learned, easy as pie!
Breathing correctly, especially during meditation is not only helpful to attain the relaxation but is one heck of a healthy one too!
Meditation is the process of allowing the flow of positive reception and contemplation within oneself and arriving at a higher aspect of self.
The act of meditation will allow a positive energizing experience, help in understanding yourself, and possibly just "save your sanity".
The method for using concentration and visualization to "go deeper" first involves learning to breathe.This is not intended as an "authoritative work", as I am not a qualified Physician and this is intended only as a reference in showing the techniques only.
Breathing allows for us to be consciously aware.When we are aware, we sense/feel/hear through our bodies. When we stop, our bodies tense, senses are dulled but the mind goes nuts. All alerts are on and the activity is now centered solely on the basic act of feeding the brain. Most people however, walk around in just that state. Apart and separate without even knowing why, just sensing "something" lacking. Breathing consciously allows us to "attune" to the senses in a most clarifying, healthful and inspirational way.
This is just one of the many breathing techniques out there. It employs the use of "full-body" breathing.
To begin practicing, the first few times you practice anyway, wear loose clothing, make sure your nostrils are clear, if you have a cold, or allergies, or a sore throat even, wait until it's cleared before you begin. You will need to use your nose and a clear throat in this exercise. And please, don't get discouraged. It took me a while to get it down pat, feeling a bit clumsy, after all, it's only breathing for gosh sakes! Not!
To begin, lie on your back on a flat surface. Spine against the floor. Place your hand palm-side down on your abdomen, right below your navel. Place your other hand on your chest, right above the sternum. Now we can begin to regulate the breathing between the abdomen and the chest.
To distinguish, the abdomen hand rises and the chest hand stays still. Practice using only the abdomen to breathe for a couple of minutes. If you need help, sometimes a small weight (a small bag of sugar, flour, sand or even a small paperweight works in a pinch!). Take deep breaths through your nostrils and push your abdomen hand (and the flour bag) up as you fill.
As you exhale, draw your abdomen back towards your spine. Practice just this for a few minutes more.
Now, try it with the chest hand. Breathe in through your nose allowing only the chest hand to rise and fall, the abdomen staying still. You can leave the weight on if its easier to keep it still. Practice this method only for the next few minutes. Please make sure you are breathing in a steady and "normal" manner. Do not rush it.
If you start to feel a little lightheaded, stop, you are rushing it. If you are out of breath, stop, you are breathing too slowly
Now try to alternate the breathing, first the abdomen only, then the chest only. Practice for a few more minutes until you feel comfortable doing it in a steady pace. If you are having any trouble with this, stop and try again at some later time. It's not always as easy as it sounds. Try even taking a week or two just practicing this. You will need to learn the difference in both methods before progressing.
Now try both methods in an inhale/exhale breath. Start with your abdomen through your nose keeping your chest still. When you feel full, switch to the chest area and draw in as much more as you can. On exhaling use the chest first, keeping the abdomen still, and then switching to same until you are totally expelled. Practice this for a few more times, at least three minutes.
Now stand up and stretch the spine. Still using the the steps above, imagine pulling energy through your feet to a spot just above the crown of your head as you inhale. Allow the raising your shoulders. Feel it moving up all the way to the top. As you exhale, imagine that energy above you raining down and washing through your body, along the spine and down and out through your feet. Relax your shoulders, become aware of the sensations coursing through and energizing you.
This exercise, with practice, will enhance your intuition, relax your mind and body, heighten your senses and improve memory and creativity! Amazing huh? Just by breathing!