Holly and Bayberry Candle Spell
In the waxing moon prepare a green candle and score your name and money
symbols into the wax with your bowline. Then, on parchment in Theban, with
dragons blood ink, anoint [the candle] with bayberry oil. In your mortar and
pestle, grind up [some] bayberry and sprinkle it onto a sheet of wax paper.
Roll the candle deosil, like a rolling pin, over the herbs until they adhere
to the candle. Place the candle in the holder and the parchment underneath
[the holder]. Next, decorate with live sprigs of holly in a circle around
the candle. This acts as a focus so that the money will go directly to you
and the holly will protect it from escaping. When the candle is almost
burned to the stub, catch the remaining candle flame to the parchment and
place it in a fireproof container (or your censer) and offer the smoke and
ashes to the wind. The wind acts as a messenger as it carries the smoke,
which is your desire, to the Gods.