1 Drop Queen of the Night Oil 3 drops rose oil
1 drop lemon verbana oil 4 fl. oz white spirit
Blend the three oils in a bottle. Add the white spirit, and shake all
vigorously. A cologne can be made by adding another 1 FL. oz of white
spirit and 3 fl. oz of distilled water.
1 fl.oz lemon verbena or Lime oil 2 fl.oz coriander oil
1/2 fl.oz. camphor or myrrh oil 1/4 fl.oz. white spirit 3 3/4 fl.oz. distilled water
Blend the oils in a bottle, add the spirit and water and shake all
vigorously. Increasing the myrrh oils gives a darker perfume;
increasing the camphor, a lighter and more spicy one. All perfumes 'behave'
differently on different skins, so it is worth experimenting to find your own balance