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Moon Magick : Harnessing Lunar Energy
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From: MSN NicknameMystic4kitten20  (Original Message)Sent: 10/27/2006 2:29 PM

Harnessing Lunar Energy
Full Moon Rituals

The moon has always played an important part in ancient spiritual
practices. Since the beginning of time, people have recognized lunar
power, which is where the term, "lunacy" comes from. Even today there
is much speculation as to the affects of the moon's phases,
particularly the full moon, on our moods and behavior. The belief
behind full moon rituals is to harness lunar power to the benefit of
oneself and others.

Ceremonies performed at this phase of the moon are meant for
empowerment, as well to manifest positive changes. The full moon
appears once every 29.53 days, therefore rituals can be performed
almost every month, sometimes even twice a month. And, you need not
be outside or even see the full moon to reap its powerful benefits.

There are many full moon rituals, some more complex than others,
involving magical tools and enhancements. Yet, many are quite simple,
including a moon bask which is just that, basking in the full
moonlight and meditating. You can do the ritual standing, sitting, or
laying on the ground, or even indoors if it's more practical. Just
stand by a large window, open if possible, and meditate on that which
would enhance your life.

One well-known ceremony is "Drawing Down the Moon," to connect with
the power and wisdom of the full moon. In Wicca traditions, a
priestess performs the ceremony in order for her to become the living
embodiment of the mood goddess. There are also rituals where all
participants "draw down the moon" to evoke the deity of the moon
within themselves.

For a healing ritual, Selena Fox, of the Circle Craft tradition,
offers this Moon Mirror Healing. Place a silvered mirror face up on
an altar or sacred place so that the light of the full moon shines
upon it. Place a symbol to represent the one seeking healing in the
center of the mirror. The symbol may be a photo, piece of jewelry,
lock of hair, or simply a name on a card. Use the symbol on the
mirror in the moonlight as a focal point as you imagine that the one
needing healing is becoming well and then healthy. After the ritual,
deliver the symbol to the subject of the healing rite as an
additional way of transmitting healing. Cleanse the mirror you used
by washing it with a mugwort solution or passing it through the smoke
from mugwort or another incense. In this way, the mirror will be
ready for use for another healing.

Whether you perform simple or elaborate full moon rituals, or just
enjoy the beauty of the full moon, you're participating in a long
tradition of showing appreciation for a powerful source of

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