Women's Moontime A Call to Power by Brooke Medicine Eagle We are presently reaching toward a whole new time on Earth, a flowering of the Tree of Life. The Dawn Star has long since faded into the pale morning light and golden day is close at hand, yet much still lies within the womb of Mystery, in the womb of Buffalo Woman. We are being called to bring forth into reality what is waiting there for us, to awaken ourselves in the dream. And finding the dream is the function of the moon cycle especially for the daughters of earth, whose blood expresses itself with the tides of Grandmother Moon's pull. The Veil Thins I speak to the Feminine, the nurturing and renewing power within all, and I call especially to those who chose a female Earth body, for they express Grandmother's pull most eloquently. Your moon cycle determines the thinness of the veil between you and the Great Mystery. As the New Moon comes toward you, the veil thins, becomes gossamer and transparent. Prophetic Sensing The information received as the menses begins in the clearest human picture from within the womb of the Great Mystery, of the unknown and our future. Among our dreaming peoples, the most prophetic dreams and visions (of the coming of the white peoples and other such almost incomprehensible changes) were brought to the people through the Moon Lodge. In other words, the most useful information that can come to us (at a time when we are unrolling an incredible new future) comes from each of you women who use your moon time well. Conversely, for each of us who do not honor this time, much is lost, including the respect of others for our bleeding. My call to you is to begin now to honor your moon time, to come together in small hoops (perhaps of 8 women) and create Moon Lodges-communal women's retreats and meditation rooms-for the beauty, for the quiet, for the transparent veil. Dedicate yourself to the quest for vision that will guide us and our families at this time. Refine Your Attention As your moontime approaches, feel the openness and sensitivity increasing. Pay closer attention to where you allow yourself to be, and to the energy around you (for you imprint very deeply during this receptive time). Choose to immerse yourself in what you wish to receive, create and magnify through yourself. Turn toward beauty, peacefulness, song and vision for a radiant, harmonious life for your children and the children of seven generations. Refine the objects of your attention, until the blood comes and you retreat into the peaceful beauty and quiet of the Moon Lodge, leaving behind the everyday world for a few days. Within the Moon Lodge Within this lodge, keep a large and lovely book for recording your visions, dreams, imaginings and intuitive flashes. Also, make possible a simple art expression for another kind of record. These expressions will unify the information and make it available to all who come there. In the Moon Lodge you remember your vow to use this transparent veil in calling vision for your people, praying, "Not for myself alone, Great Spirit, do I ask this vision, but that all the peoples may live," The dream will begin to unveil itself through strands woven from many women's dreams. The weaving created through gathering to share on the New and Full Moons and from the records kept will create a fuller tapestry, more easily understood and made real in the ordinary affairs of life. This is the ultimate action: making the dream of peace real in our everyday lives. Make the Dream Real During the days following the first flood of clearing blood whose potential for life we give back to Mother, the flow gentles, wanes, slows and completes itself; we integrate the vision within ourselves and ready ourselves to come forth. The song, Blood of Life, on my music cassette "Gift of Song" is meant for this giveaway ritual. The veil thickens as we turn away from it, and we step into the present. We make ourselves solid, flex our lean bellies, and come forth. Grandmother's cycle and Mother's mind within us assist us with the task of coming again fully present into the world. At the Full Moon we are at our most powerfully attentive and aware and present for action in the world. From the womb of Buffalo Woman, we carry new creations to join with the light, and birth takes place. The dream is made real in the beauty of Mother's Earth. Call to Honoring This call is for honoring the deep function of Mother's gift of life blood within us-to bring forth vision and make it real for our families at a time when vision is so important for us and for the healing of Mother. Honoring this cycle within you will be more than empty form and words; it will be given new life by men and women alike. And wonderfully, we will notice healthier, more comfortable menstrual cycles and birthing. Practice the Gift These are simple, ancient ideas, powerfully useful when put into practice. Your feeling may be one of not knowing what to do; the line of feminine teachings may have been lost to you. And I say, Mother's truth is always within us; be willing to discover it within yourself. Reach back across the gap. Be willing to now know, to reach into the unknown, the Great Mystery. Then you and we are following the model Buffalo Woman gifted to us; we are carrying the water of Spirit to the people. We are nurturing and renewing at the most profound level. |