Daily Earth Medicine
Saturday, November 11th 2006
Moon: 11 Freeze Up Moon
Day: 19
Inner Conflict
Nothing in our universe can exist without its opposite being present. To judge any opposing force, contrary, or reverse, is to give way to inner conflict. Within the bounds of inner conflict, the Self's potential for wholeness is sacrificed-the heart core of serenity being cut from the whole.
Walks Tall Woman, the Clan Mother of the Eleventh Moon Cycle, reminds us that we cannot Walk in Beauty or in balance if we negate the need for other points of view. The opposites in our world are often the complementary forces that give us varied experiences of human life. By removing one single part of Creation, we could unravel the whole, leaving us with very boring, unchallenging lives indeed.
The question remains: Would we really be willing to live with the consequences by personally removing any part of human experience that could rob all other human beings of the opportunity to experience every part of life? Playing the part of being that kind of omnipotent judge surely holds unimaginable consequences. Would you want to be held accountable for the results of that kind of judgment?