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</MYMAILSTATIONERY> ![](cookbook-30.msnw) Some people have a natural aptitude for scrying. They only have to walk past a shallow puddle in the road, glance at a piece of black glass, admire the glossy fur of a black cat or look at a wet patch on a black rubbish sack and numerous images flood into their minds. Others have to spend days, weeks, months, even years, mastering this apparently simple technique, staring into elaborate black mirrors and seeing nothing but their own dark reflection - frustrating indeed - and of course, that very frustration makes things more difficult. As with all magic, it needs to be taken seriously, but with a playful and curious state of mind. Trying too hard is counterproductive. One of the things which makes scrying so hard for some people to do is that, like meditation, it requires an altered state of consciousness to be achieved, but with the eyes open. In meditation, pathworking, and in parts of a ritual, most people prefer to work with their eyes closed because this makes an altered state so much easier to reach and to maintain. Those who can scry in anything are fortunate to have this magical skill so long as they are able to switch it off at will and do not become completely distracted every time they see a shiny black surface. For the rest of us there are many things we can experiment with to make scrying easier - and different things will work for different people. Dark water is a good way to start, not least because it is easily available and costs nothing. A pool can be lovely to scry in, though I would recommend sitting or kneeling down to do so, since it is very easy to forget what your body is doing once your mind becomes absorbed, and it is somewhat undignified to fall into the (possibly stagnant) water at a moment of great revelation. A black bowl filled with water is another method and has the advantage of being safe and suitable for indoor use. Tap water is fine, but spring water will probably work better. Perhaps the best kind of water to use is Moon water: spring, rain or sea water which has been placed in the Moonlight every night for a whole lunar cycle. The water can be blessed in whatever way you feel is appropriate, possibly dedicated to one of the Moon goddesses who rule such activities as these. An alternative to using a black bowl is simply to use any dish but to darken the water with black ink. The old witch in her cottage would doubtless have done her scrying in a bubbling cauldron of stew or in the water boiling in an iron pot ready to make up some herbal brews. Red wine (especially elderberry) or dark beer both make good scrying material, though definitely not after drinking any of it! Coca Cola would probably be effective too, though I have never tried it. The possibilities are endless... Personally I find black mirrors easiest to use because they don’t slop about like water (at least not under normal circumstances!). They are expensive to buy but very easy to make. Spray the back of the glass from a cheap clip frame with a couple of coats of black enamel paint. Make sure the glass is spotlessly clean before you do so as any little marks may spoil your concentration when you come to use it. Once the paint is completely dry, return the glass to the frame. Bless the mirror if you wish to and treat it with the respect due to any magical object. It can be kept hanging on the wall or put away after use, wrapped in a natural material like silk or cotton. If you prefer something a little more fancy, charity shops are excellent hunting grounds for interesting frames. Even better, you could make your own out of wood (carved, if you are skilled in that craft), papier mâché, textiles, or anything else that appeals to you. Indeed the more effort you put into making it, the more personal it will become - imbued with your own energy, in tune with you, and therefore easier for you to use. The size of the mirror is not important, although if you are just learning the technique, a larger surface area will probably prove easier to use. I would also avoid too elaborate a frame on a small mirror as it may prove unhelpful. Once you have mastered this art, you can do it anywhere and in any light, but at first it is best to be in a dimly lit area, possibly using candles. The bowl or mirror needs to be placed at a height and angle which are comfortable, so that you can sit relaxed and breathe calmly and easily. Candles or other lighting will need to be in a position where their reflection will not bother you. Do not be disheartened if nothing happens for a while. It is a knack and perseverance pays off in the end. A further use of this art is to communicate with another person, such as a magical partner, especially if they live a long way away and you cannot meet very often. Each person should have their own mirror, dedicated solely to this purpose. Ideally the mirrors should be identical and made by the people involved on an occasion when they are together, to ensure the closeness of the link. When separated both people look into the mirror at an agreed time and a good psychic channel of communication can be set up. With practice, it becomes possible to call the other person to the mirror if you really need to talk to them at a time when you have not agreed to "meet". Scrying is a magical art with many possibilities. Exactly what it is and how it works is for each individual practitioner to decide for themselves, but it will certainly enhance and focus both the psychic and creative abilities of the magician who is drawn into dark pools to find the bright treasure of secret knowledge. ![](wortcunning-32.msnw)
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</MYMAILSTATIONERY> ![Water Divination](wortcunning-33.msnw)
| Water Scrying Chant: If possible perform this at night alone. Fill a large non-metallic vessel with water (if you wish add a few drops of blue food coloring) and place it in your magical place. Charge a blue candle between your hands, visualizing your psychic awareness unfolding, growing and expanding. Place a candle in a holder, light it, and move it close enough to the water that its flame is reflected in the water. Gaze at the candle's reflection, relax, diffuse your mind, and say, "Sparkle, Shimmer, Mind grows dimmer The Second Sight's Brought to light" over and over until it takes effect. Cauldron Divination : Fill your cauldron half full with water. Place it on a table where you can see into it comfortably when seated. Light 2 purple candles and a good divinatory incense. Make sure the candlelight doesn't shine on the water or in your eyes. Focus on the bottom of the cauldron while holding your hands gently on each side. Breathe gently on the water and say, "Cauldron revel to me that which I seek. Great Mother open my inner eye so that I may truly see." Then empty your mind. Stay relaxed and look deeply into the cauldron. The answers may come in images in the water, in your mind, or in strong bursts of knowing. Best during waxing Moon. | Water Gazing Taken from "Earth Power" by Scott Cunningham One of the most pleasant, relaxing and ancient forms of divination is water-gazing. Though nearly everyone is familiar with the practice of crystal-gazing, few seem to know it's ancestor. there are 3 basic forms. All use the same technique but different focal points. These are: 1. Gazing into running water, such as that of a stream or brook. 2. Gazing at the shimmering of the Sun on the surface of a lake, or on the ocean. 3. GAzing at the reflections caused by the Sun on water, as on the sides of a boat or ship, a nearby structure, or any close object. It may take a bit of searching to find an ideal place, and in a pinch a swimming pool will substitute for the last form, but once found, the major dificulty is over. Find a comfortable spot to sit. Relax, still your mind of the thousand-thousand thoughts that course through it every waking second. Gently, with eyelids relaxed but not quite closed, gaze into the water, or at the shimmerings of the Sun dancing like diamonds, or at the reflections the water casts up by the Sun's light. Allow your thoughts to vanish. If you need an answer to a specific question, once you have attained this drowsy state formulate the question while still gazing. if no answer immediately comes to mind (and beware the tricks of the conscious mind, which may send wish-fulfilling answers0 stop and try again in a few minutes. If you are inquiring about an absent friend, or alost article, see that person or object in your mind, let the image dissolve, and see what comes to take it's place within your mind's eye. If, however, you have no special purpose in water-gazing, sit quietly and wait until feelings, emotions, symbols, or pictures paint themselves before your eyes, aided by the evermoving, mysterious water. Though a bit of practice is usually necessary before psychic messages or images are percieved, once attained you have the art forever. I have spent hours sitting on a point that juts out into the Pacific Ocean, gazing at the sun's sparkles on the deep blue expanse. I have also water-gazed from the end of piers, on the walls near an outdoor swimming pool, in a fountain in a public park, a puddle in the middle of a sidewalk, even in the bathtub while the sun shone through a window and sent reflections splashing crazily on the tiled walls. One note of caution: very bright reflections can be damaging to your eyes. If you can't look at the sun's shimmerings for more than a few seconds without blinking, do not attempt water-gazing. Wait till the Sun's light is softer. Water Gazing
The simplest technique is known as gazing or scrying, in which water is used to create symbols of the future. To perform this ancient rite, pour water into a blue ceramic bowl. Ask your question. Sit with your back to the light in a darkened room and gaze into but not at the water. (Some people add a few drops of blue food color or ink to the water to darken it; this is particularly useful when using a light colored bowl.) As with a crystal ball, the water may cloud. Eventually you may begin to see symbols within its cool depths. Make note of any such symbols. When no further symbols are seen, begin the process of interpretation. Some water gazers prefer to have the light of a candle reflected on the water surface. Others take the bowl outside on a cloudless night and, capturing the moon's reflection, divine by its appearance on the water.
Floating In addition to scrying, water has been used in a number of ways to determine the future. One of these has been in use since ancient Greek times. Take a specific object- a slice of bread, a leaf or some other light object- to a lake or spring. While asking a yes or no question, throw the object into the water. If it sinks, the answer is yes; if it continues to float, or sinks but rises and is washed up on the bank, the answer is no.
Steam Steam can also provide divinitory responses. This form requires a mirror hung on a wall and a low table placed before it. Fill a large pot with water and heat to boiling on the stove. Remove the pot and place it on a hot pad before the mirror. As the steam rises, it will cloud the mirror. You may gaze in the misty mirror, or wait for the steam to condense and drip down its silvered face. The drips may form themselves into a letter or letters, which can then be interpreted.
Needle Divination for Healing After exposure to Western European ways, Cherokee Shamans started using needles in divination. The Cherokee used needles to determine the prognosis of ill clients. A new white bowl eight inches in diameter was filled with water. After a prayer, two pins were floated on the water about two inches apart. If the needles maintained this distance or moved farther apart, the client would recover. If the left needle drifted toward the right needle, he or she may not be healed. Oil Divination
You will need a bowl of water and a jar of oive oil. Put the bowl on a table and sit before it. Ask for a general reading of the future and slowly pour a bit of oil into the water. A teaspoon or so is plenty. The oil will rise and float on the water's surface. Watch it for a few moments. Determine the future according to the following list:
* If the oil divides into two sections, an argument may be in the offing. Or, a negative answer.
* If the oil forms a ring (not a filled circle) and this remains unbroken, a business journey will be profitable, or the sick will recover. Or, a positive response.
* If smaller droplets of oil emerge from a larger one, it may indicate pregnancy. This is also a favorable sign for the sick, for it predicts recovery.
* If the oil spreads thinly and covers the entire surface of the water, beware; troubles are ahead.
* Many small, unconnected globules of oil indicate the coming of money.
* A crescent or star shape is extremely fortunate.
Paper Divination
Write questions on five small pieces of paper. Roll them up into tight cylinders. Place these in a metal strainer and hold it in the steam rising from a pot of water on the stove (or fire). The first of these to unroll has been affirmatively answered; the other questions, no.
Here is an easier method. Cut two squares of the same size from the same piece of white paper. Using a black marking pen or ink, color one piece of paper black. Go to an upstairs window and, asking your question, throw the squares at the same time out of the window. Carefully observe which square first lands on the ground to determine the answer. If it's black, the answer is yes; if white, no. (Retrieve the slips of paper and dispose of them properly.)
Alternately, you can cut a five-pointed star from a piece of paper. On each leg, write one of the following: yes, no, maybe, probably. Leave the fifth leg blank. Write lightly with a pencil, not a pen; you shouldn't be able to read the answers when the paper is turned blank side down. Ask your question. Place the star under your pillow face down. Each evening for four nights, fold over one leg of the star without turning it over to see which answer has been eliminated. On the fifth night look to see which corner hasn't been folded. This will answer your question.
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</MYMAILSTATIONERY> Cartomancy ![](wortcunning-34.msnw) Castronomancy is a form of Hydromancy involving looking into images on the surface of water in a glass or magical receptacle. If spring water is used in this method of divination, or if the diviner uses a sacred pool or spring, then it is termed Pegomancy.Some diviners prefer to color their water with black ink in order to give a more reflective surface. Often a distinctive receptacle is chosen for the darkened water, on the grounds that the more they like the objects used, more accurate their divination will be.