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SpellCrafting : why witches gather rain
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From: MSN NicknameLadySylvarMoon  (Original Message)Sent: 10/19/2006 7:19 AM
When Witches Gather Rain
By Theitic

Witches have always known the special meaning of nature's acts. They are
warnings, blessings and magic guides to our living in the world around
us. Rain is
a special gift from the sky and its power should be used wisely. Try
never to
shelter yourself from its fall, but rather accept the rain as we should
accept life with all of its trials and blessings.

* Rain while the sun shines is a healing rain. Catch and store it in blue
glass. Use the water for all manner of healing magic. Place in the bath
for an
overall body cleaning.

* The blessing of fairies is upon anyone who catches rain in a
silver spoon after the rain has bounced off a flat stone. Place
some of this water on any object that is frequently misplaced. Keys are
always a good choice.

* Place midnight rain of a New Moon on the third eye to bring
visions and see future events.

* The first rain gathered in May is symbolic of May Day dew and holds much
power. It is used when very special favors are needed. Do not gather
this rain
in a metal container or its power will be lost. A glass or wood
container would
do much better.

*When rain runs off a gravestone, gather carefully and use with caution.

*Rain gathered during a thunderstorm holds much energy and can be used to
enhance spells and potions. But be aware that the energy does not last
long and
the spell should be completed before three days and three nights have
passed or
the rain water will be of little use.

* House plants enjoy the outdoor rain - this cleanses their leaves and helps
to purify the indoor air when they are brought back in the home. This is
especially good to do when you are in need of a clear mind and strong

* Jewelry, charms and other objects can be purified by standing in the rain,
facing west and tossing the object into the air, three times, catching it in
your hands each time,

* The sound of the rain carries the voices of the water spirits. Listen to
the sound of the rain and enjoy the gifts of the undines. They will
speak to you
of love and friends.

The wise also realize that rain is just one aspect of nature. We should look
to the wind, trees, lightning, fire, stones, and other forms of nature's
expression for clues to the magic of the world.

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