three strands of cornsilk three hairs from your own head olive oil red wine or fruit juice
red string matches or lighter red marker corn husk
On a Friday evening at the 12am (the witching hour), on or close to the new moon
(the first Friday after the new moon), pluck three hairs from your head. Entwine them with three
strands of cornsilk. Chant:
Weaver of silk, weaver of time, weaver of rime, Entwine my fate with_______
May (he or she) wrap close to me in my heart, in mind in body, in soul.
May (he or she) have no rest until joined with me we are whole
As I will so Mote it Be!
Roll the strands of hair and cornsilk round and round in the palms of your hands until your
hands are well heated. Stretch a dried corn husk flat and with a red marker draw a heart.
Write the name of your intended inside the heart. Write your name inside the lines of an
arrow and let the arrow pierce the heart. Now place the hair and cornsilk inside the husk
and roll it up tight. Tie the husk with a red string you have anointed with your own saliva.
Touch the rolled parchment to your heart and then place it in a safe vessel and set it on fire.
As it burns visualize your intended's heart burning for you. Let the scroll burn completely,
then gather the ashes and place them in a bottle or jar of olive oil. Hide the jar beneath
your bed until the full moon. On the full moon you must dip your left thumb into the oil and
wipe the rim of a chalice contain red wine or fruit juice. Serve to your intended.�?/FONT>