The actual spread begins much like a standard Celtic Cross, but adds more cards for more clarification.
1. THE HEART OF THE QUESTION: This cards placement is the one that represents the core of the question or problem posed to you, consciously or unconsciously.
2. WHAT CROSSES THE QUESTION: This cards placement represents obstacles that may manifest themselves to oppose your objective. Here is where the Dragon as an antagonist raises its mighty head. Take heed! This card is to show you the problem in obtaining your objective. Recognize it! Understand it! That is the only way you can overcome what the card is showing you.
3. THE FOUNDATION: Why this objective (the question) is even present in your life. This card can be almost harder to accept then #2. Most people want to know why things are happening (or not happening) to them in their life, but they fail to realize that they are more often then not the cause of such obstacles. The card in this placement should clarify this.
4. OUTSIDE INFLUENCES: Where placement #3 usually represents the questioner's own influences (or obstacles) on the question, here we have any possible influences that may pertain to the question.
5. THE SHADOWTAIL CARD: Here, unknown, unseen events surrounding the question are made known (possibly for the first time). Usually a very surprising card for the person.
6. YOUR HOPES: Now we move onto the Wings of the Dragon. One wing (the Wing of Light) starts with the person's deep felt hopes regarding the question. Pretty straight forward.
7. YOUR FEARS: And here on the other wing (the Wing of Shadows) we begin with the person's fears towards the question or situation. Both placement 6 and 7 should be regarded as the questioner's feelings on the matter, whether they are realistic or not (and usually are not in both cases).
8. THE WING OF LIGHT: This position reveals the best possible solution the question could ever hope to receive. If you don't see it here, it isn't going to happen.
9. THE WING OF DARKNESS: This card will reveal the worst possible solution the situation can offer. Both position 8 and 9 represent the spectrum of the outcome that will be revealed in the remaining cards. Sometimes this can be a comforting card. Most people's greatest fear is the worst thing that could happen. Well, here it is. Usually this card is never as bad as most people think.
10. THE PAST: This card will show the questioner's past that has bearing on the question and may be influencing it.
11. THE PRESENT: This shows how the person feels about the question and how it relates to their life now.
12. &13. THE FUTURE: Here we have two cards to represent the most likely outcome of the posed question. These cards (considered to be the Dragon's Eyes, or perhaps the Dragon's Horns) are to be read together, giving a more detailed, in-depth view towards the question. More times then not, the final outcome usually falls somewhat in-between what the two wing cards have shown.