</MYMAILSTATIONERY> Moon Garden What could be nicer than sitting on the front step at night, eating almond crescent cookies, sipping jasmine tea, and gazing at night-blooming plants? Plants in this plot would be white like the moon, bloom at night or be fragrant at night, and some of the plants might correspond to Moon goddesses. White night-flowering plants include: Plants that release fragrance at night include: -
Night gladiolus (gladiolus tristus) Tuberose -
Evening trumpet flower (Carolina Jessamine) -
Sweet Rocket (Hesperis matronalis) Artemis is a moon goddess, and white-ish plants that are sacred to her are wormwood and white mugwort. She loves all artemisias -- Silver Mound and Canescens would be especially beautiful here. Faery Garden Whatever you do to bring life to your garden will bring faeries as well. First of all, plant plants that attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. This will also attract the fae. So put up hummingbird feeders, bird feeders, bird baths, bird houses, even bat houses. Small fountains, ponds, faery statues, or waterfalls are all good. Here's a short list of plants that attract faeries to your garden: -
Common yarrow, Achillea millefolium -
New York aster, Aster novi-belgii -
Shasta daisy, Chrysanthemum maximum -
Western giant hyssop or horsemint, Agastache occidentalis -
French lavender, Lavendula dentata -
Rosemary, Rosemarinus officinalis -
Thyme, Thymus -
Fountain butterfly bush, Buddleia alternifolia -
Orange-eye butterfly bush, summer lilac, Buddleia davidii -
Shrubby cinquefoil, Potentilla fruitiosa -
Common garden petunia, Petunia hybrida -
Verbenas, vervains, Verbena -
Pincushion flowers, Scabiosa caucasica -
Cosmos, Cosmos bipinnatus -
Common zinnia, Zinnia elegans They also love the following plants and trees: -
foxglove, -
primrose, -
ragwort, -
cowslips, -
pansies, -
bluebells, -
clover (3-leaf, not 4-leaf), -
St. John's wort, -
hazel, -
rowan, -
blackthorn, -
oak, -
willow, -
elder, -
birch, -
alder, -
apple, -
ash, -
and especially toadstools. Sabbat Garden Include herbs that correspond to each of the eight sabbats: -
Samhain: rosemary, mugwort, rue, calendula, pumpkins, turnips, sage, wormwood, tarragon, bay, passionflower, garlic, mandrake. -
Yule: bayberry, holly, sandalwood, ivy, comfrey, chamomile, sunflower, myrrh, wintergreen. -
Imbolg: heather, sage, chamomile, garlic, rose hips, sunflower, vervain, violets, wheat, corn, grains, myrrh. -
Ostara: lily of the valley, tansy, lavender, marjoram, thyme, tarragon, lilac, violets, lemon balm, honeysuckle, crocus, daffodil, jonquil, tulip, broom (Scotch or Iris), meadowsweet, acorn, trefoil (purple clover), vervain. -
Beltane: all-heal, blessed thistle, broom, daffodil, coriander, fern, fireweed, flax, marjoram, radish, rue, snapdragon, meadowsweet, rose, woodruff, strawberries, tansy. -
Midsummer: vervain, St. John's Wort, heartsease, lavender, sage, mint, basil, fennel, chive, chervil, tarragon, parsley, rosemary, thyme, hyssop, honeysuckle, red heather, white heather, rue, sunflower, fern, mugwort, vervain, meadowsweet. -
Lammas: peony, nasturtium, clover, yarrow, heliotrope, boneset, vervain, Queen Anne's lace, myrtle, rose, sunflower, poppy, milkweed, garlic, onion, basil, mint, aloe, acacia, meadowsweet, mugwort, hops, holly, comfrey, marigold. -
Mabon: Rue, yarrow, rosemary, marigold, sage, chamomile, passionflower, rose hips, sunflower, wheat | </MYMAILSTATIONERY> |