Herbs that can strengthen the immune system are: �?/B> | Astragalus, which is good for those people who seem to catch every cold and flu bug that is around. It can help with stress and fatigue that can weaken the immune system. It also is an herb that naturally encourages the body to produce natural killer cells (macrophages, phagocytes and natural interferon). I give this one to my son on a daily basis. | �?/B> | Bupleurum helps to increase the body's use of antioxidants and increases the activity of macrophage cells. | �?/B> | Dandelion, which is high in vitamins and minerals like calcium, iron, vitamins A, B & C, it is nourishing to the body helping it to provide beneficial bacteria that is needed for good health. Along with these are phytochemicals that also help to encourage the bodies own Natural Killer Cells. | �?/B> | Echinacea which is one of the most widely studied imuno-stimulating herbs, it stimulates the lymphatic system, it helps the body to produce Natural Killer Cells and it boosts the bodies' own production of natural interferon. | |