| Scotch Woodcock | | | | | | | | |
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The woodcock for centuries was the most prised game bird in Europe. In England the cocker spaniel was |
bred to aid in the hunting of this famed bird, while on the comtinent poets drifted into rhapsody as they |
wrote about the woodcock as a dish so fine it could be served at a "banquet of gods". Just as the English |
laughed at the Welsh, they had scant respect for the Scots, who were deemed both poor and parsimonious. |
Jokes about the overy frugal Scotsman have gone around the world, but they began in England. It was |
almost inevitable, once Welsh Rabbit became well known, that someone would come up with a companion |
dish and name it Scotch Woodcock. | | | | | | | |
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8 anchovy fillest, finely chopped | 2 tbsp butter, softened | | | | |
4 slices toast | | | 4 egg yolks | | | | | |
1 cup half and half cream | | 1/4 tsp black pepper | | | | |
1 tbsp finely minced parsley | | | | | | | | |
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Combine anchovy fillets & butter; mash thoroughly. Spread lighty on slices of toast, set aside. Beats egg |
yolks, cream and pepper in top of double boiler. Cook over hot wter, stirring constantly, until thick. Pour |
over toast and sprinkle with parsley. |