If you want to work directly in HTML or you are using a browser or an operating system that does not support the MSN Groups rich-text tool, you may use the following tags and attributes when creating custom Web pages, composing messages, and adding content to lists and calendars. Supported HTML tags:
Anchor: <a>
- href = mailto, http, https, ftp, /
- name = !expression
- title = !expression
Area: <area>
- alt = !expression
- coords = !expression
- href = mailto, http, https, ftp, /
- nohref = !expression
- shape = !expression
- title = !expression
Base Font: <basefont>
- color = !expression
- face = !expression
- size = +, -, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Break: <br>
- clear = all, left, right, none
Caption: <caption>
- align = left, right, center
Column: <col>
- span = !expression
- width = !expression
- align = left, right, center, justify, char
- valign = top, middle, bottom, baseline
Column Group: <colgroup>
- span = !expression
- width = !expression
- align = left, right, center, justify, char
- valign = top, middle, bottom, baseline
Division: <div>
- align = left, right, center
Definition List: <dl>
Font: <font>
- color = !expression
- face = !expression
- size = +, �? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Headings 1-6: <h1> - <h6>
- align = left, right, center
Horizontal Rule: <hr>
- align = left, right, center
- color = !expression
- size = !expression
- width = !expression
Image: <img>
- align = bottom, middle, top, left, right, center
- alt = !expression
- border = !expression
- height = !expression
- hspace = !expression
- ismap = !expression
- usemap =!expression
- name = !expression
- src = http, https, /
- title =!expression
- vspace = !expression
- width =!expression
Map: <map>
List Item: <li>
- type = 1, a, i
- value = !expression>
Ordered List: <ol>
- type = 1, a, i
- start = !expression
Paragraph: <p>
- align = left, right, center
Table: <table>
- align = left, right, center
- background = !expression
- bgcolor =!expression
- border = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- bordercolor = !expression
- cellpadding = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- cellspacing = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- frame = void, above, below, hsides, lhs, rhs, vsides, box, border
- rules = none, groups, rows, cols, all
- width = !expression
Table Data: <td>
- background = !expression
- bgcolor = !expression
- height = !expression
- colspan = !expression
- rowspan = !expression
- width = !expression
- align = left, right, center, justify, char, middle
- valign = top, middle, bottom, baseline
- nowrap = !expression
Table Header: <th>
- bgcolor = !expression
- height = !expression
- colspan = !expression
- rowspan = !expression
- width = !expression
- align = left, right, center, justify, char
- valign = top, middle, bottom, baseline
- nowrap = !expression
Table Header Rows: <thead>
- align = left, right, center, justify, char
- valign = top, middle, bottom, baseline
Table Body (groups, rows): <tbody>
- align = left, right, center, justify, char
- valign = top, middle, bottom, baseline
Table Footer: <tfoot>
- align = left, right, center, justify, char
- valign = top, middle, bottom, baseline
Table Row: <tr>
- bgcolor = !expression
- background = !expression
- height = !expression
- align = left, right, center, justify, char
- valign = top, middle, bottom, baseline
Unordered List: <UL>
- type = disc, square, circle