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How to : MSN~Save your passport storage space
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From: MSN Nicknameinstructions_manual  (Original Message)Sent: 4/20/2008 12:10 AM

You can get a hotmail.NET passport to use for uploading pics with 3 megs and then discard when full... those do not have an email account, so you do not have to worry about logging in every 25 days and dealing with email.   Remember when you remove anything from your storage you will remove it from all pages and message boards at the same time, so by using a .Net account for documents, pics and gifs they will not have to be removed.

Here are the instructions for getting the .Net account..

Get a  .Net passport account
These are Free Accounts that DO NOT have an email account.
They have 3 megs of space for uploading to Documents or photos on groups.
They DO NOT have any email ... so are great for posting and uploading to save your regular hotmail .COM account.  When the . NET one is full just go get another

Here is how:
Log out of the passport or email account you use in groups.
Go to the MSN Home page and click on sign in
Look carefully for the place that says get a .NET passport
When that page opens  you will see a place to enter your email address
this is NOT for your current address but for the one you are about to get..
Type in a nickname    and    Example your
Then fill out the rest of the form as required.  If the name you choose is already used you will be instructed  to choose another one. 
BE SURE to write down the password and name you used so you can get back into the account.
Once you have the new account... join the sites where you plan to use the new account  (you will need a different nickname than you use now ) and then use your new account when you are going to upload documents or photos and gifs Remember.. the new account will NOT allow you to get email from the groups,  but  you will be able to use the chat-room and post on the boards.

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