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How to : Clearing Out Storage Space
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From: MSN Nicknamebellydancedreamer  (Original Message)Sent: 3/20/2008 7:23 PM
  Clearing Out Storage Space

If you are running out of storage space, you either have to buy more space or delete some of your pictures that you have uploaded. 

I have found the best way to this is to delete the older ones.  When deleting a picture a red "X" will remain on the system where the picture was uploaded.  Any pictures that were copy & pasted after the initial upload will also change into red "Xs".

  • go to your "Manage Your Storage Space", using either method
  • click on "Manage Your Storage Space"
  • from the drop down box, select the name of your group
  • if you are a member for more than one group, this process will need to be repeated for each group
  • if you have uploaded anything into the "Documents" folder, they will appear the moment you have selected the group name
  • if you have never uploaded into the "Documents" folder, the screen will remain unchanged
  • next, click on the tab "My Pictures"
  • any items that you have added to a group photo album will show here
  • the first column shows you the picture that you have uploaded
  • the second column (label #2) has a small box & the title of the picture
  • the third column is memory size for the picture 
  • the fourth column is the date the picture was first uploaded - please note, there is no way to tell if you have copied & pasted the picture since the original upload
  • if you want to delete a picture from your album; click the box in column #2
  • a check mark will appear in the box
  • click the "Delete Selected Pictures" button
  • a warning will appear, asking if you are sure you want to delete the picture
  • the name of the picture will be listed on the warning
  • if you are deleting multiple pictures, all picture names will be listed
  • next, click on the tab "My Attachments" 
  • any items that you have added to a group photo album will show here
  • the first column (label #2) has a small box & the title of the picture
  • to see the picture since there is only a name; double click the file name
  • this will bring the picture up on a separate screen
  • the second column is memory size for the picture 
  • the third column is the date the picture was first uploaded - please note, there is no way to tell if you have copied & pasted the picture since the original upload
  • if you want to delete a picture from your album; click the box in column #2
  • a check mark will appear in the box
  • click the "Delete Selected Pictures" button
  • a warning will appear, asking if you are sure you want to delete the picture  

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