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How to : Copy, Pasting & Posting a Picture
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamebellydancedreamer  (Original Message)Sent: 3/20/2008 7:29 PM
Copy & Pasting a Picture
This is for copying and pasting a picture within the group only.
find the picture that you would like to copy
  • put your pointer over the picture until the options box appears  right click on the picture
  • another option box will appear
  • click on copy
  • go to the the thread that you want to paste the picture to
  • click the "reply" to post the picture
  • click on the "paste" button
  • the picture will appear but it will be "darker" or "blue" in colour
  • click off to the side of the picture
  • the picture will appear in the correct colours
  • hit the "send message" button

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameinstructions_manualSent: 4/19/2008 10:34 PM


Option 1 Keyboard Option 
Option 2  Mouse Option
Place your cursor over whatever you want to copy. 
Left click on it and drag to the end of whatever you are copying.
(hold down on the left click till the end)
hit Ctrl C.  Ctrl  is right under the left shift key on most keyboards.
Your item should be copied.
Put your cursor wherever you need to have the item placed
then hit Ctrl V  your item should be pasted now.   
Place your cursor on what you need to copy. 
Left click and drag it to the end of whatever you need to copy.
Right click and a you should get an of which should be COPY
click COPY
Then place your cursor where you want to paste your item
right click again and select PASTE
Option 3  Edit Menu Option   Option 4  HTML Editor Option
Hightlight the item with your mouse by left clicking and dragging until the entire item is highlighted.
Way up on the upper right side of your puter screen click EDIT and then click COPY.
Move your cursor to where you need it copied.  then click EDIT again then PASTE

When you reply to a message up on the HTML editor in the reply box next to the scissors is copy/paste.

Highlight the item you wantcopied then click the copy thing..looks like this. Then place your cursor where you need it pasted and then click this  .   You"re done.