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Poems : Why
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From: MSN NicknameBilly·1  (Original Message)Sent: 4/1/2008 9:42 PM
Why do i want so much
Is wanting something so bad
Things I want to hold and touch
I want to see what I have not seen
Feel the things I have not felt
Smell the mountain air so clean
See animals not just their pelt
Not feel alone even in a crowd
To feel the loving touch of someone special
To smile, to grin and even laugh out loud
To say what I feel and not look a fool
My true feelings I can not speak
Whats in my heart I can not show
What makes my knees go weak
My pounding heart that makes my face glow
To see you happy and with a smile
For one sweet moment to feel your carress
If only to be with you for a short while
Why is life so bad and such a mess
Billy1st April 2008

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