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Poems : there is a hell
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From: MSN NicknameBilly·1  (Original Message)Sent: 4/1/2008 11:56 PM
Sent: 10/26/2002 2:36 PM
Here I stand at the great abyss
Pain, suffering, life without love
These are things I shall not miss
Darkness all sides below and above
Where can you go when you reach the bottom
The only way is up but you keep going down
Look for your friend,they arent there you have not gotem
Is this the fate of the crying clown
Dying is easy, it is the living thats hard
Get the cards lets deal me a hand
I saw that, it was death on the tarot card
Would it be so bad to leave this land
I cant reach the light, things are so black
If I cant have my love then what use is life
As I lay here crying, laying on my back
It will all drift away all lonlyness and strife
For the loved ones I leave my sorrow is great
I loved too much, that was cruel fate
Dont shed your tears they are too late
I hope one day to meet you,and be together at heavens gate

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