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St Paddy Recipes : Irish Coffee Pudding
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From: MSN Nicknamebellydancedreamer  (Original Message)Sent: 3/6/2008 2:45 AM

Irish Coffee Pudding
Serves 4

6 eggs, separated
1 cup sugar
1 cup very strong coffee
1 1/2 oz. unflavored gelatin powder
1/3 cup Irish whiskey or Irish Mist liqueur
2 1/4 cups whipping cream, divided
1/4 cup crushed walnuts

Beat egg yolks with the sugar until thick.  Heat the coffee until hot but not boiling: add the gelatin and dissolve it in the coffee. Mix this mixture into the yolks and sugar. Place in a double boiler (or in a stainless steel bowl suspended over boiling water). Continue beating until mixture begins to thicken, about 8-10 minutes. Remove from heat, and when the bowl has cooled a little, place it over cracked ice and continue stirring.  Beat 1 1/4 cups cream.

When pudding mixture has cooled and is on the point of setting, fold in cream. Stir in the the whiskey or Irish Mist. Lastly, fold in the well-beaten egg whites (or 3 pastuerized egg whites). Pour into a souffle dish that has a double thickness of parchment paper tied around it: the paper should come up 3 inches above the top of the soufflé dish. Oil a jam-jar or bottle and press it down into the center of the pudding, this will leave a well that will later be filled.  Chill for several hours to set.

Remove the paper collar by easing around the circumference with a knife dipped in hot water. Carefully remove the jar or bottle, and fill the center with 1 cup sweetened whipped, cream. Decorate the exposed sides of the pudding with crushed walnuts, pressed on with the palm of your hand.
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