- Q: May I use a picture or artwork from your web site for signature tags, web use, print, other personal use etc?
- A: I'm glad you like my work and want to use it. Please contact me if you'd like to use images profit related projects. If not, please do not email to ask permission- I have no problems with art being used. I don't mind if backgrounds are removed, things animated providing it's done in a professional looking manner that doesn't appear to degrade the quality of my original work. Can you please make sure the following text appears on any image you use: © Ben Krefta: www.organicmetal.co.uk
- If my work is used, I would appreciate a quick note just letting me know who you are, where your web site is and where my adapted art images can be found. Once again, by all means let me know where my work has been / will be used. But you do not need to request permission providing my work is used for personal, non- profit use and credit is given. Have emailed the details as requested April 6th, 2008 belly |