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General : Today's Scripture *November 21, 2008*
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From: MSN NicknamePastorApril  (Original Message)Sent: 12/9/2008 2:18 AM
Today's Scripture *November 21, 2008*
Hebrews 10: 14
For by that one offering he forever made perfect those who are being made holy.
We have been made perfect, yet we are being made holy. Through His death and resurrection, Christ, once for all, made His believers perfect in God's sight. God no longer see's you and your sin--He sees Christ's blood and perfection. At the same time God is making us holy (progressively cleansed and set apart for His special use) in their daily lives here. We need to grow! God is far from finished with us! We can encourage this growth process by deliberately applying Scripture to all areas of our life, by accepting the discipline and guidance Christ provides, and by giving Him control of our desires and goals.
God, thank You that You continue to do a good work in and through us.
May we give You all areas of our lives. Help us to surrender all to You.
In the Perfect Name of Jesus, Amen..
Have a blessed weekend!
Your friend,
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Thank you & God Bless

  Bible Scripture from the New Living Translation & Some information & ideas from NLT Life Application Bible ;
all other accompanying thoughts & prayers April Hunt 2008

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