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General : Be angry and sin not -- and why!
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From: †Texasgal�?/A>  (Original Message)Sent: 12/28/2008 6:17 PM
Be angry and sin not -- and why!
Ephesians 4:26 - Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:

 Ephesians 4:27 - Neither give place to the devil.
I imagine we all get angry at times, that this is "normal".  
It's ok to yell, shout, throw off a few rude threats and make a few verbal cracks about it.  Its ok to hold that grudge and tell others how bad it all is so they can do the same.  It makes it all rather even and justified then.

Hmm  well maybe we should think about this again, from another angle. 
When we get angry, all types of emotions go over us and affect what we say and do.  We forget family loyalties and  friend loyalties just to mention a few things. 
We might get insulting,  woe the words we can never take back, huh?
We might threaten to do this or that and try to take people off with us in the same anger.  After all, anger can be catching and bring in the innocent, can't it?
So now how do we feel?  Justified?   If someone confronts us on this, do we bring up this  or that as our part in the excuse?   Does this make it all right?
How do we look to others?
Do we make them feel an anger they might not have,  had we thought this out more?   Do we in this  path start to cause a sister or brother to fall and stumble?
No we are not our brothers  total keeper, so to speak;  however  if what we do affects what they do, we do need to give our part in this some serious thought!
The Bible says stay away from the angry person as it will affect us.  So are we telling everyone, "stay away from me, I am a bad influence on you"?
I doubt we look at it from that angle, but God did say "beware". 
Proverbs 22:24 - Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go:
Proverbs 22:25 - Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul.
Proverbs 15:18 - A wrathful man stirreth up strife: but he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife.

WOW!  Well now that is another way to look at that from the other side, isn't it?
Do we really want people to have to beware of us?  Think on that one for awhile.
Temper-Tantrums-Vulgar language and kicking fits are most assuredly not Christ like.
Somehow I see satan laughing during this time with a big grin  on his face. 
Do you know why?  The reason is simple,  we forget to do what God has instructed in our eagerness to express our thoughts at the moment or to get others to join our band wagon .  There in is part of the sin we must face and deal with. God wants His children to learn the self control it takes to show love even when anger hits our day.
Which one takes the more effort in our walk?  Its easy to get angry and shout, much harder to learn when we also have our faults and weaknesses.
We will get angry, but its how we handle that anger that shows the real stage of our walk and who we are walking along side of more often.  This does not make us bad, it just means watch for the areas we need to  weed a bit and lift up to the Lord.
Learn what triggers our anger, learn how to control it so it does not control us and in the afterfall, affect others.
Did you settle your anger before you went to bed last night?  Did others begin acting in the same way due to your words or actions?  
Watch the words of God, learn how the Master wants us to be with one another.
So we don't agree with someone, does that mean everyone always agrees with you?  or me?  or him ? or her?   I rather doubt that!     Which one is right?  or wrong? 
Just give that some food for thought, so we can learn the way to live as God sees it.
Ask for  the sin of Anger to be removed from our thoughts, words and actions. 
As God does this and we feel the burden lifting, let Him  mold us and ask for a covering over this.  Know in your heart of  hearts that this is a weak area you must deal with and ask God for help.
Remember it does not say NEVER GET ANGRY, the point in all this is that last part --- and  SIN NOT.
God bless each of you!  Our life is a struggle at times, but we have the gift to be able to ask God for His covering and to help us through it all.
James 1:19 ~ Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:
Love you all,
Lindy  (Texasgal)

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