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All Message Boards : VIP Lounge...Guest Hunter Reso
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 Message 1 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameM-V-P1  (Original Message)Sent: 1/5/2009 2:24 AM
mvptop.png picture by wheresmychameleon

-oOc-Bored so I decided to roleplay

Commercial ends as MVP and his VIP lounge is seen in the ring

Big things poppin little things stoppin its time once again for the VIP Lounge and as I always say the VIP Lounge and yours truly are better then you, now tonight my guest on the VIP Lounge is the so called Husband of one Sierra...

Boos are heard

Now Hunter I know you and Sierra are having problems but what couple dont, anyway if you please come down and join the party

-Promo of Hornswaggle in Monk-

Hunters music is dieing down as he looks towards the fans who are cheering

MVP before we begin I just want to know if you believe everything that comes from that big mouth of yours

Moving on, anyway Hunter these people want to know whats the latest with you and Sierra I mean you did say you werent going to sign the divorce papers now whats going on with you 2?

///TBC BY Hunter///.

mvpbot.png picture by wheresmychameleon

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 Message 2 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCHRISJERICHO9889Sent: 1/5/2009 3:12 AM

Banner here

Hunter shakes his head, and talks again.

Hunter Reso

First of all it isn't your business anyway, and I meant what I said I am not gonna sign the divorse papers. I don't got to explain myself to anyone, and that is between Sierra and me. You see if I want to move on to someone else I will, and do you see my wedding ring on my finger I don't think so.

Hunter lowers the mic as the fans chant Hunter over and over again, and he waits for a reply.


This layout is made by +.Blackroses.+ for the use of anyone. He/She does not sponsor anything from the real world and everything on the layout is made for their use only.If you want one, click on the name.

 Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameM-V-P1Sent: 1/5/2009 7:27 AM
this is her under my boyfriends account


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MVP raises the mic up going to say something but Sierra comes out through the crowd with a mic

Sorry for the interruption MVP but I needed to talk to Hunter

MVP mouths something then leaves

Im gonna keep this short and sweet Hunter, Ok I made a mistake I know it was wrong but what do you expect I was nearly exhausted from the incredible sex we had, Hunter I know you wont take me back but if you do I promise that no matter what I will always be there by your side I mean after all I do love how you make me feel, so its up to you but before you decline just let me tell you I went to the doctors and they said that Im pregnant again

///TBC By Hunter///

This layout was created by Blackwing at Faceless Designs and is a free layout for anybody to use. Please do not alter this layout or the disclaimer in anyway. If you want a custom layout, go request one at Faceless Designs.


 Message 4 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCHRISJERICHO9889Sent: 1/5/2009 7:53 AM

Banner here

Hunter thinks about it, and lifts the mic up as he talks again.

Hunter Reso

Look I love you, and I still got my wedding ring cause I couldn't get rid of it since I still got feelings for you. I want us to be together, and I want us to have to a family together as well. I will take you back, and I need to know something cause I had a lot to think about since getting out of the hospital my truck can be replaced not that I went looking for one cause I haven't. Will you remarry me?

He lowers the mic, and waits for a reply.

TBC: Sierra

This layout is made by +.Blackroses.+ for the use of anyone. He/She does not sponsor anything from the real world and everything on the layout is made for their use only.If you want one, click on the name.

 Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameÊvîl_ßìt©h�?/nobr>Sent: 1/7/2009 5:48 AM


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People Mentioned://
Global Record://


Rp Here

Sierra smiles as she walks over kissing him

Of course I'll remarry you

///TBC By Hunter///
Im under my new account


This layout was created by Blackwing at Faceless Designs and is a free layout for anybody to use. Please do not alter this layout or the disclaimer in anyway. If you want a custom layout, go request one at Faceless Designs.


 Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCHRISJERICHO9889Sent: 1/7/2009 9:12 AM

Banner here

Hunter kisses her back, and talks again.

Hunter Reso

Whenever you want to get married is alright with me.

He waits for a reply.

TBC: Sierra

This layout is made by +.Blackroses.+ for the use of anyone. He/She does not sponsor anything from the real world and everything on the layout is made for their use only.If you want one, click on the name.

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