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Deathcore r/ps : Ortons surprized opponent is revieled
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From: MSN NicknameChrisJericho14  (Original Message)Sent: 11/2/2008 6:39 AM



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Pacing back and forth Orton is wondering just who it is hes gonna face tonight, the Casket is seen at ringside as Orton stops

///"Legend Killer" Randy Orton///
What am I getting so worked up about there aint no one capable of facing me

Is that so Randy?

///"Legend Killer" Randy Orton///
Who the hell?

A dark shadow appears grabbing Orton by the throat then Undertakers face appears

///"The Phenom" Undertaker///
You say there aint no one capable of facing you, take a good look at the man you will be facing tonight

///"Legend Killer" Randy Orton///
What makes you think your even in my league?

Randy feels the grip get tighter and tighter he begins turning blue

///"The Phenom" Undertaker///
Feel what will be your last breath because Randy tonight you will rest in peace in your last resting place, tonight as the casket door is slammed shut and your lungs begin to weaken your head feels like its gonna explode and as your heart begins beating slower and slower remember this Nobody beats the Undertaker in the Casket match so Randy get ready to REST IN PEACE

His eyes roll back in his head the lights go out and after they come back on Undertaker is gone

TBC...Anyone if wanted


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