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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCHRISJERICHO9889  (Original Message)Sent: 11/14/2008 4:39 PM
Banner here
Your word: Insert personal message here.

Christian, Booker T, Damon Anderson, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, JBL, Trisha McMahon and Sharmell are in the locker room as Stormee is seen still tied to the chair struggling to get free. They all laugh, and start talking.


You know something Billy, Lance, AJ and Bret are gonna find out that we are not the stable to mess with. They think they are all, but really we will beat some respect into them. It is just to bad that Billy will have to go into the match with Damon not 100%, and he isn't focused since his precious wife is in here with us.

Booker T

That is right, and they just had to think they was gonna get stuff handed to them not anymore. It is our time to shine, and after we take care of them they won't be the same again. They are not even that good, so now they must pay for what they have done which won't be pretty.

Damon Anderson

Well I got Chris Young and Billy all by myself, and that is what I wanted. They think they are so tough, but please they are not that tough. I mean really we should have took Vanessa as well, and that way Young would have been in the same position Billy is in. What do you guys think should we give Stormee some company?

They wait for a reply.

TBC: Kurt Angle, JBL

::Slogan here

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChrisJericho14Sent: 11/14/2008 6:40 PM

An evil grin appears on Kurts face

///"Olympic Gold Medalist" Kurt Angle///
I like that idea I mean the more the merrier, besides they are useless without their tramps

///"Wrestling God" JBL///
Thats right and besides after looking them over I can see why they'd much rather see them kidnapped then actually come do something about it

///TBC BY Anyone///
Short but in a rush


 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCHRISJERICHO9889Sent: 11/14/2008 7:01 PM
Banner here
Your word: Insert personal message here.

Damon smirks, and talks again.

Damon Anderson

Alright it is time to bring Vanessa here, and since Booker you got Stormee I am gonna go get the other one.

Damon walks out of the room, and heads down the  hallway when he sees Vanessa Jericho-Young talking to someone. He waits until the other person is gone before making his move over to her, and she looks him up and down wondering what he wants. He grabs her, and takes off to the locker room. He brings her in the room, and opens the door to the room where Stormee is as there is another chair beside her. He puts her in it, and ties her up as he talks again.

Damon Anderson

Now my sweet sister-in-law you got someone to talk to, and later you and me are gonna have some fun.

Stormee Rivers-Currington

You jerk let me go right now, and you will pay for this our husbands will make you all pay.

Damon Anderson

Oh really they didn't do anything to stop it from happening, and besides they bought this on themselves.

He leans over, and kisses Stormee. After he breaks it, and walks out of the room shutting the door behind him as he talks again hearing both Stormee and Vanessa struggling to get free since the ropes are tied to tightly they won't be getting away.

Damon Anderson

Now they are together, and now they will not be able to concerate on their match with me. It is just to bad that they didn't stop us, and now they are without their wives. Poor Billy make sure he is not 100% when he comes to my match, and Young really isn't thanks to Christian I mean that was perfect when I lured Billy away that Young would get it. This is our night, and they just can't seem to get it throught their heads they are no match for us.

He waits for a reply.

TBC: Anyone

::Slogan here

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