Carlito We got this match since they can't stand each other, and tht means we have the advantage going into this. Santino That is right, and they will end up fighting which will be good for us and bad for them. Randy Orton I don't like teaming up with you as you don't like teaming up with me, and that is fine. For once let's put our past behind us to work together to take out these two clowns, and after that we go back to hating each other. Ted Dibiase JR That is alright with me, but I am warning you right now if you even think about turning on me I will you take out just like I will them got it. Victoria You picked the wrong night to get in the ring with, and get ready for a whole amount of pain. Michelle McCool I am not afraid of you, so I will show you that your nothing compared to me. I am not happy right now, so I will tear you apart and not think twice about it. Shawn Michaels We will break them in half, and show them that they have nothing on us you ready for this match. Stacy Keibler Of course I am, and this will be our night not their's. Look I know this is gonna be hard for you having to fight your own sister, but she chose to be with him that isn't our problem it is their's. Batista We got this match made, and I just know it is killing your brother that we are together. You know something he can pretend everything is alright, but really it isn't I hope your ready to beat the living hell out of them. Kiki Michaels I am sure ready to do that, and I don't care what my brother thinks I am with you. He can't stop me anyway since I am not a little girl anymore, and it isn't like we are gonna get along cause we don't tonight Shawn and Stacy will feel the fire that they won't be able to put out when the match is over. Chris Young Billy and me are gonna show Damon that going into this match alone was a huge mistake, and that means he has no one to tag out to which this perfect. I just hope he makes it out of his first match in one piece, and Damon you just don't stand a chance against Billy and me since your the newest member of the Main Event Mafia we will send a very clear message through you to the rest of your friends that we really do mean business our stable name will be announced real soon as you won't like it one bit see you in the ring. They walk off, and the show fades to black. |