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Doomsday RP's : Deathcore Fury Role Play # 2
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From: MSN NicknameCHRISJERICHO9889  (Original Message)Sent: 11/20/2008 9:59 AM

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Jimmy Wayne

You know something you think you were smart to talk trash about me, and now I am gonna get my revenge on you starting tonight.

Blake Shelton

That is what you think, and only one of us will walk out of the match the winner as it won't be you if I have anything to say about it.

Trish Stratus

You are gonna suffer tonight, and there is noway you can handle me.


Your the one that decided to join the Main Event Mafia, and you are gonna pay for it when you step in the ring with me.

Damon Anderson

I thought about who I wanted to face tonight, and you see I know who I want. You know what he is already in a match tonight, and when he gets done facing Billy he will face me yeah I am talking about Chris Young.


You will get what you have coming, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Mickie James

That is where your wrong, and I can't wait to kick your butt all over the ring tonight.


You four might think you can handle me, but I know you can't. Just cause Vickie picked you don't mean you are gonna stand a chance against me, and I will break all of you down as there is nothing you can do about it.

Bret Hart

We will tear him apart, and there won't be nothing left of him after we are finished with him.

Owen Hart

That is right, and we are way better then he is.

Brian Pillman 

Of course we are, and tonight he will suffer a whole lot more pain then he did the last time he was in match like this one.

John Morrison

You all right, and we will show him that messing with the wrong superstars will cost him big time tonight.

They walk off, and the show fades to black.


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